


Registered 2017-09-07 09:24:30
K/D 1:2.19
Binds 2:1
Bandages N/A


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  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Chicken
    That reset button has a cost. (-200xp)



Chrissy Atheria Saanity 2:48:49 pm Jungle of Sin
Elizabeta30 Resident Saanity 2:10:04 pm Jungle of Sin

tonyisback Saanity 9:16:11 am Laura - The Northern F...
MerrekOreilly Saanity 9:14:02 am Laura - The Northern F...
Saanity Aredhel Finistair 9:12:45 am Laura - The Northern F...
Saanity Kiara LeSabre 9:10:17 am Laura - The Northern F...
Saanity Aredhel Finistair 9:10:14 am Laura - The Northern F...
Saanity tonyisback 9:08:42 am Laura - The Northern F...
Saanity tonyisback 7:36:00 am Laura - The Northern F...
Saanity tonyisback 7:32:38 am Laura - The Northern F...

Saanity tolinkarne 3:45:46 pm Laura - The Northern F...
Saanity tolinkarne 3:42:09 pm Laura - The Northern F...

Iason Hassanov Saanity 3:21:23 pm Jungle of Sin
Chrissy Atheria Saanity 3:13:01 pm Jungle of Sin
Marja Geesink Saanity 2:36:31 pm Jungle of Sin
NiaLuna Resident Saanity 2:25:40 pm Jungle of Sin
fahye Resident Saanity 2:00:16 pm Jungle of Sin

SmokeALott Saanity 3:28:25 pm Jungle of Sin
fahye Resident Saanity 3:06:49 pm Jungle of Sin
Saanity mitzi Kira 2:51:10 pm Jungle of Sin
Riva Ramer Saanity 2:40:55 pm Jungle of Sin
Serega777g Resident Saanity 2:29:18 pm Jungle of Sin
NiaLuna Resident Saanity 2:15:12 pm Jungle of Sin

Falling Saanity 2:01:43 pm Dorf Axe
Cherri Hema Saanity 1:39:05 pm Dorf Axe

Amosa Sugarplum Saanity 2:42:38 pm Jungle of Sin

Kaprize Resident Saanity 2:18:14 pm Dorf Axe
Chrissy Atheria Saanity 1:30:40 pm Dorf Axe

Chrissy Atheria Saanity 3:33:39 pm Jungle of Sin
AmeliaDeSantos Saanity 3:01:09 pm Jungle of Sin
Chrissy Atheria Saanity 2:39:56 pm Jungle of Sin
Kaprize Saanity 2:26:35 pm Jungle of Sin
Buckstur Resident Saanity 2:19:24 pm Jungle of Sin
Buckstur Resident Saanity 1:41:08 pm Jungle of Sin

Kaprize Saanity 2:06:19 pm Jungle of Sin