Captured | Region | Date |
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Attacker | Region | Date |
OneDaringAlicia | Gates of Despair | 2024·11·26 6:43:29 am |
Sable Greenwood | Valkyrie Forest | 2024·08·14 2:05:54 pm |
littlecatandthehat | Marsh Wood Pirates | 2024·06·15 7:44:22 am |
sorawar | Village of Gimli | 2024·01·23 10:32:26 am |
eratostenea | Secret Bay | 2023·11·13 4:29:31 am |
Fata Falta | Marsh Wood Pirates | 2023·10·24 1:31:23 pm |
Batsu Kamachi | Marsh Wood Pirates | 2023·10·24 1:29:12 pm |
Leah1Jade | Jungle of Balozi | 2023·05·21 4:42:52 am |
Kalevala8 | Jungle of Balozi | 2023·05·21 1:10:19 am |
Drashoka | Village of Gimli | 2023·04·02 4:29:53 pm |
Bound | Region | Date |
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Binder | Region | Date |
OneDaringAlicia | Gates of Despair | 2024·11·26 6:45:55 am |
Sable Greenwood | Valkyrie Forest | 2024·08·14 2:07:41 pm |
littlecatandthehat | Marsh Wood Pirates | 2024·06·15 7:45:30 am |
Vitallinae2021 | Village of Gimli | 2024·01·23 10:34:42 am |
TenaYasa | Secret Bay | 2023·11·13 4:32:12 am |
TickTak | Marsh Wood Pirates | 2023·10·24 1:31:21 pm |
Leah1Jade | Jungle of Balozi | 2023·05·21 1:50:48 am |
Drashoka | Village of Gimli | 2023·04·02 4:32:11 pm |
Region | Date |
Village of Gimli | 2023·05·29 1:48:13 pm |
Village of Gimli | 2023·05·29 1:47:31 pm |
Killer | Victim | Date |
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