


Registered 2019-05-01 13:32:39
K/D 1:1.5
Binds 2.5:1
Bandages N/A

Meres Drake

I am a role-player and am always in character except IMs and Group Chat.

I have bad internet connection. if i vanish I will try and get back as soon as I can. Please leave me a message so we can continue. Claimed and owned by Mistress Simone Drake, Slaver of the Mira Se Tasta on 07/14/16. Avatar profile picture done by Mistress Simone as well.


Merestianna does not belong to any groups.


Merestianna has not earned any achievements.



Neviana0 (Valkyrie Forest) Merestianna 3:06:07 am Secret Bay

Merestianna Laelap Jackman 1:45:37 am Secret Paradise
Rayvvine (Secret Paradise) Merestianna 1:41:27 am Secret Paradise

Raizo Takeda (The Alar) Merestianna 4:26:43 am Secret Paradise
Raizo Takeda (The Alar) Merestianna 4:25:54 am Secret Paradise
Raizo Takeda (The Alar) Merestianna 4:25:08 am Secret Paradise
Raizo Takeda (The Alar) Merestianna 4:23:25 am Secret Paradise
Raizo Takeda (The Alar) Merestianna 4:22:54 am Secret Paradise
Raizo Takeda (The Alar) Merestianna 4:21:54 am Secret Paradise

Hamdy5555 (The Alar) Merestianna 5:53:02 am Valkyrie Forest

Gotho Cuttita (Vosk Morass) Merestianna 3:53:52 am Lost Ruins of Schendi

Merestianna Turlough Fargis 4:41:16 am Ice Fang

Merestianna Meaty Sapphire 2:58:51 am Valkyrie Forest
Merestianna Meaty Sapphire 2:56:59 am Valkyrie Forest

BlackBeardThePirate Merestianna 3:52:53 am Secret Paradise

Merestianna Junaide 6:06:34 am Valkyrie Forest
Merestianna Junaide 5:46:08 am Valkyrie Forest
Merestianna lacas Adamczyk 5:36:07 am Valkyrie Forest
Merestianna lacas Adamczyk 5:33:48 am Valkyrie Forest

RodimusSteinerDavion Merestianna 4:40:18 am Secret Paradise

Leonidas Paderborn Merestianna 5:18:47 am Secret Paradise

Merestianna JonasKhan (Valkyrie Forest) 8:35:18 pm Mirkwood Forest

Chrissy Atheria (Secret Bay) Merestianna 5:42:37 pm Secret Bay
Chrissy Atheria (Secret Bay) Merestianna 5:41:31 pm Secret Bay
Adaginna Voxel Merestianna 5:36:27 pm Secret Bay

Marishka Coba (Mirkwood Forest) Merestianna 1:07:04 pm Mirkwood Forest

UllaVonFrapp Merestianna 5:52:55 pm Mirkwood Forest

jewelsjayden Merestianna 4:40:53 pm Mirkwood Forest
jewelsjayden Merestianna 4:39:26 pm Mirkwood Forest
AshleyJo Merestianna 4:33:58 pm Mirkwood Forest
jJessicaA2lq Merestianna 4:31:18 pm Mirkwood Forest
Marishka Coba (Mirkwood Forest) Merestianna 4:24:21 pm Mirkwood Forest

Merestianna AldenRain 8:15:47 pm Mirkwood Forest
Merestianna AldenRain 7:08:24 pm Mirkwood Bay
Merestianna AldenRain 7:06:10 pm Mirkwood Bay