Mimi Tiare Kaina VOODOO
Registered | 2018-02-03 20:28:33 | |
K/D | 1:1.38 | Binds | 1:1.57 |
Bandages | 1.72:1 |
NO ATTACK me if NO RP ..better go to hunt on pew pew sim. rp GE and BTB..
MIMI is a french woman, a complex One , , not only a gorean , see picks
calling Miss stress me ... i'm NOT A DOMME
Huntress of Mahana and Tara Anuanua my 2 wonderfull
voodoo girls. she is a manbo VOODOO in Gor rp.
rp limits GOR.. no kill , no dismembrement .... no rp 30 mins i tp out ...
No info, no RL play, nothing. Don't want know about your rl...
max capture 3 days if all ok
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