


Registered 2022-05-25 20:48:45
K/D 1:32
Binds 1:7.25
Bandages 1:1.75

Matthew Jaymes

Not all that new to the SL scene but after a brief tour abroad, I'm back! I like to think I'm polite, respectful, and I can even spell words like "you are" and "thanks" out completely!

My interests are all over the map and I am definitely open for new things. I will be open with what I don't like and won't have a problem telling anyone what I do like.

I know some sims have people ask permission to IM...consider this a resounding "approved"! IM me at any time.


MatthewJaymes does not belong to any groups.


MatthewJaymes has not earned any achievements.



NiobePantherGirl MatthewJaymes 11:36:36 am Dani's Forest and Nort...
NiobePantherGirl MatthewJaymes 11:35:33 am Dani's Forest and Nort...
NiobePantherGirl MatthewJaymes 11:32:22 am Dani's Forest and Nort...

Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) MatthewJaymes 2:12:07 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
TickTak (Marsh Wood Pirates) MatthewJaymes 2:10:23 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
MatthewJaymes Willilicious Georgette (Hikeda'ya) 2:07:01 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
MatthewJaymes Jennifer Lethdetter (The Alar) 2:06:10 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Jennifer Lethdetter (The Alar) MatthewJaymes 2:06:08 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Noragark MatthewJaymes 2:04:21 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Gro Vortex (Marsh Wood Pirates) MatthewJaymes 1:32:56 pm Trigger Reef
Gro Vortex (Marsh Wood Pirates) MatthewJaymes 1:31:52 pm Trigger Reef

MatthewJaymes zabeya (The Lakes) 1:58:22 pm Siba
tricky222 (Blackwater Mers) MatthewJaymes 1:56:20 pm Siba
MatthewJaymes Witch Osbourne (The Alar) 1:51:36 pm Siba
MatthewJaymes zabeya (The Lakes) 1:48:49 pm Siba
MatthewJaymes Balrogh 1:47:18 pm Siba

sinead Moonites (Isle of Sin - Sin's Band Panthers) MatthewJaymes 12:45:12 pm Isle of Sin - Sin's Ba...
sinead Moonites (Isle of Sin - Sin's Band Panthers) MatthewJaymes 12:43:16 pm Isle of Sin - Sin's Ba...
sinead Moonites (Isle of Sin - Sin's Band Panthers) MatthewJaymes 12:40:40 pm Isle of Sin - Sin's Ba...

NyotaNyah (Teslit Forest) MatthewJaymes 9:11:42 am Secret Paradise

azraelrahzwatcher MatthewJaymes 1:39:15 pm Mirkwood Bay
azraelrahzwatcher MatthewJaymes 1:36:59 pm Mirkwood Bay
azraelrahzwatcher MatthewJaymes 1:34:34 pm Mirkwood Bay

lolk1945 MatthewJaymes 1:27:44 pm Secret Paradise
lolk1945 MatthewJaymes 1:27:33 pm Secret Paradise
lolk1945 MatthewJaymes 1:26:57 pm Secret Paradise
lolk1945 MatthewJaymes 1:26:15 pm Secret Paradise

thebridelucretia MatthewJaymes 9:34:13 pm Secret Bay
thebridelucretia MatthewJaymes 9:03:38 pm Secret Paradise
thebridelucretia MatthewJaymes 9:01:27 pm Secret Paradise

MatthewJaymes MatthewJaymes 9:04:14 am Hidden Forest

Harley Hexem (Marsh Wood Pirates) MatthewJaymes 1:17:22 pm Secret Bay
eratostenea MatthewJaymes 1:14:56 pm Secret Bay
Katekieto MatthewJaymes 12:01:00 pm Secret Bay
Katekieto MatthewJaymes 11:58:48 am Secret Bay