


Registered 2020-12-15 17:24:47
K/D 2.46:1
Binds 3.8:1
Bandages 1.36:1


Here for the ride more than the destination. Avatar is a Dom like his Player - but catch him napping and he follows the RP wherever it leads, so long as it is not to boredom.

If you wanna know what kinda freak I am, you gotta talk to me. Labels don't say much about who I might enjoy rp with. And, not every RP has to be about sex. I like hanging with someone who can spin a good story. If you can do both...damn! Either way, I am more interested in an imaginative brain than poses and pixels, FWIW.



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



Manjaak (Gates of Despair) CuddlyPuppy21 (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) 2:25:42 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) Neviana0 (Valkyrie Forest) 2:24:29 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) Neviana0 (Valkyrie Forest) 2:24:08 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) CuddlyPuppy21 (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) 2:23:46 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
PixelPrincess95 (Marsh Wood Pirates) Manjaak (Gates of Despair) 2:21:42 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) NiaLuna (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) 2:20:23 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) PixelPrincess95 (Marsh Wood Pirates) 2:16:18 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) PixelPrincess95 (Marsh Wood Pirates) 2:09:59 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) Tristan Skydancer 1:50:27 pm Siba
Tristan Skydancer Manjaak (Gates of Despair) 1:45:49 pm Siba
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) Tristan Skydancer 1:45:48 pm Siba
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) Neviana0 (Valkyrie Forest) 1:43:24 pm Siba
Neviana0 (Valkyrie Forest) Manjaak (Gates of Despair) 1:43:23 pm Siba
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) MiracleMyth (Topanga Canyon) 12:52:23 pm Village of Gimli

PixelPrincess95 (Marsh Wood Pirates) Manjaak (Gates of Despair) 12:59:09 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
PixelPrincess95 (Marsh Wood Pirates) Manjaak (Gates of Despair) 12:58:30 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
PixelPrincess95 (Marsh Wood Pirates) Manjaak (Gates of Despair) 12:57:26 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) beth Sheryffe 12:49:12 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) Balrogh 12:44:53 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) beth Sheryffe 12:38:03 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
zabeya (The Lakes) Manjaak (Gates of Despair) 12:37:55 pm Marsh Wood Pirates

Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) Manjaak (Gates of Despair) 1:53:54 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
beth Sheryffe Manjaak (Gates of Despair) 1:52:25 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) PinnOne (Argentum Mines) 1:52:24 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) NoirDesir99 (Marsh Wood Pirates) 1:52:12 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) Chinghis 1:48:12 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) charlie0010 1:33:41 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) charlie0010 1:33:13 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) charlie0010 1:31:55 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) charlie0010 1:30:06 pm Marsh Wood Pirates

ClaudineParish (Gates of Despair) Manjaak (Gates of Despair) 1:23:50 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) ClaudineParish (Gates of Despair) 1:23:31 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) shadarDeSub (Gates of Despair) 1:21:56 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) anarmofgod (Gates of Despair) 1:18:42 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Manjaak (Gates of Despair) Gweluon 1:17:27 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers