Malcolm Xaron

Malcolm Xaron


Registered 2022-08-02 17:46:47
K/D 4:1
Binds N/A
Bandages 1:1

Cahir of AR

I like moonlit nights and taking enthusiastic walks through the woods.

Companion: NONE Intended: NONE
Property: secondlife:///app/agent/56ea39a5-95b4-4bc0-bdde-a91410af6be8/about

I am high Magistraite of Holmesk and Scribe by trade position and profession.
I invite you to join us in our port City and of course hope you find a new home.

I am hiring court staff. Prosecution defence Gaurds investigators as well as clerks.
Informants are always accepted at abase pay rate for current cases but high pay is based on conviction.

Should you require my Attention there will be a mail box outside the courthouse in Holmesk though if you have difficulty please leave anote card with your ic and ((OOC)) name and the date . detail your request within and how to contact you according to your preference.


Malcolm Xaron does not belong to any groups.


Malcolm Xaron has not earned any achievements.



Malcolm Xaron Kosomot Czartza 1:58:37 pm Oasis of Sahkar
Malcolm Xaron Kosomot Czartza 1:57:06 pm Oasis of Sahkar
Malcolm Xaron Kosomot Czartza 1:56:00 pm Oasis of Sahkar

xRyeowookx Malcolm Xaron 11:13:28 pm Black Corsairs

Malcolm Xaron RedAngel1701S (CTF, Spar & Chill) 2:59:55 pm Hidden Forest
Malcolm Xaron RedAngel1701S (CTF, Spar & Chill) 2:58:46 pm Hidden Forest

SweetSorrowsOne Malcolm Xaron 6:08:14 pm Sais Village

Malcolm Xaron Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 1:33:59 pm Sais Village
Malcolm Xaron Ainsley Bloodstone (Sa San Tu) 1:32:24 pm Sais Village

Malcolm Xaron Qandro Toxx 5:10:59 pm Lost Ruins of Schendi

Malcolm Xaron ScoobieSnax 12:12:31 pm Sais Village