Lowen Foxdale

Lowen Svein's First Bond


Registered 2017-11-05 16:43:42
Binds N/A
Bandages N/A


Bond Private to the blacksmith Svein Lusingar, restricted to him only.

Will not rp with people with silly masks, or non-human appearance. Or those with abusive attitude.

WARNING: I do not para-emote, and if you take 5 mins for a para-emote dont expect me to reply with one, and i may TP way.

see picks for Gor rp limits

RP ban: Caswin Hax

Will not TP to Sadar Fare. May not sta if oyu take me to Port Kar.
If you take me to an empty sim, I will not return.


Lowen Foxdale does not belong to any groups.


Lowen Foxdale has not earned any achievements.



rosemary Saunders Lowen Foxdale 11:40:08 pm Village of Gimli
rosemary Saunders Lowen Foxdale 11:37:24 pm Village of Gimli

Lowen Foxdale fahad Starship 10:49:20 pm Hidden Forest

sumantaray1986 Resident Lowen Foxdale 10:05:00 am Hidden Forest

rubenyosef47 Lowen Foxdale 2:52:11 am Belnend

Lowen Foxdale Lydia Taurus 5:46:20 am Hidden Forest

javis1ironfist Lowen Foxdale 5:34:43 am Hidden Forest
javis1ironfist Lowen Foxdale 4:59:12 am Hidden Forest

Wraith Serdyuk Lowen Foxdale 5:11:21 am Hidden Forest

JackLucifer Resident Lowen Foxdale 4:17:15 am Hidden Wagon Camp

Lowen Foxdale Lowen Foxdale 10:01:06 pm Hidden Forest

RadcliffBell Lowen Foxdale 11:43:10 pm Hidden Forest

RadcliffBell Lowen Foxdale 11:46:10 pm Hidden Forest

Wraith Serdyuk Lowen Foxdale 7:14:14 am Hidden Forest

RajaG75 Lowen Foxdale 4:34:05 am Hidden Forest

shemale Static Lowen Foxdale 4:59:37 pm Hidden Forest