Lilli Breda

KeDjA ~unbelted~


Registered 2023-12-06 08:22:27
Binds N/A
Bandages N/A


Kedja = Kette = chain

bad bow, but cute ;-)

"Here," he said. He had reached down and picked up the bit of black silk, from the floor of the chamber. He tossed it against my body, and I clutched it. "Put it on, Phyllis," he said. I looked at him.
"Yes, Master," I said. "What is your name, slave?" he said. "Phyllis, Master," I said, well apprised of the name that had been put on me. I was Phyllis. It was the will of the master. I looked down at the tiny bit of silk in my hands.
"What is it?" I asked. "A tunic," he said. "Put it on. I slipped it over my head, and tried to pull down the hems at the side. "It is short, so little, almost nothing, such fine silk," I said. "It is diaphanous. I can be seen through it."
"I would see it on you." "We like our girls so clad," he said, "when we permit them clothing." "What house is this?" I asked. "Where am I?" "You are in the Black Court of Brundisium," he said.
(Plunder of Gor)

How alive and vital they seemed! Their hair was loose, in the fashion of bond-maids. Their eyes shone; their cheeks were flushed; each inch of them, each marvelous imbonded inch of them, was incredibly alive and beautiful . How incredibly feminine they were, so living and uninhibited and delightful, so utterly fresh, so free, so spontaneous, so open in their emotions and the movements of their bodies; they now moved and laughed and walked, and stood, as women, pride was not permitted them; joy was. Only a kirtle of thin, white wool, split to the belly, stood between their beauty and the leather of their masters."
~Marauders of Gor, page 100~


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ByyZaMaZiNGo Lilli Breda (The Lost City) 1:49:10 am The Lost City

Moe Macchi Lilli Breda 4:59:30 am The Lost City