Lilli Breda

KeDjA ~unbelted~ ~silent bondmaid~


Registered 2023-12-06 08:22:27
Binds N/A
Bandages N/A


Kedja = Kette = chain

bad bow, but cute ;-)

Kedja was born in the north of Gor, the only daughter of a farmer. Her father and brothers were killed in a raid. Her mother fell as a war booty to one of the men of the clan who claimed her father's land. Kedja herself was to become the mate of the Jarl's son, but proved too recalcitrant. Even then, she wore her heart on her sleeve. She speaks faster than she thinks. With a brand and a ironcollar around her neck, she served the Clan of the Feuerbringer on Scagnar for many years. A raid by a rival clan changed everything. She managed to escape in the chaos of battle and found a blacksmith who opened her collar. From then on, she lived on the outskirts of a town in the harbour area as She-Urt. Until a man fell from his tarn... Her life took a turn she would never have dared to dream of. A tough education, a long road of carrots and sticks. She learnt a lot, was trained in things that a simple bondmaid would never learn. She learnt about the North and the South, the art of healing, fighting, reading and writing, love. Many things that lead to the fact that there is only one way out of HIS collar: death.

"There is a time, of course, to show a woman kindliness, compassion, and understanding, and then a time to put her to her knees and remind her that she is only a slave."
~Kur of Gor, page 50~



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ByyZaMaZiNGo Lilli Breda (The Lost City) 1:49:10 am The Lost City

Moe Macchi Lilli Breda 4:59:30 am The Lost City