Kizber Firecaster

B.C. Physician Fya'o


Registered 2023-05-23 23:19:19
K/D 1:6.74
Binds 1:3.9
Bandages 1:2.19

Fya'o Εξουσία'olo

If you understand this. Then you understand more then most in here....

I Am Not Here To Be Used Or Manipulated By People With Agendas. ... I Move In My Own Circles & Not Yours anymore. I Hate Pretentious 2 Faced People, I have had my fill of them in SL... So Don't Try To Act Smart With Me... Because Your Not !.. I Will Never Lower Myself To Your Standards. I have fun within my own choices.. I am not here for YOU. .
IF YOU CAN Not Be What Is True & Unique... PLEASE do not contact me. Understand Me. I Do Not Have Time For Those Who Have No True Soul & Heart...For I Will Never Be A Part Of Your World I Will Never Belong To You. I belong to myself. To that one that was like most of this and got through.. Shame on me.

But for that special one that can win my trust and SL heart. A world of uniquness waits for him. And yes I have found him... Sorry 'boys'. My heart has been taken...... WE ARE FC. NOW.

So when is the next CTF OR Raid?? A person can never get enough of those.

High Green Cast is a good thing as well.

A great dance at a formal club is a fav of mine.

Sorry ladies I am straight!!



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