Kel Blindside

"Tiggy" Schendi Refugee Honey Merchant


Registered 2017-06-10 03:19:03
Binds N/A
Bandages 1:4

- Ϯɪɢɢᴀʀᴀ کᴀиʊʀᴀ -

Born in the Schendi looking for her family to join them once more.
Refugee amongst the red savages of Ihanke

I dont have limits, i dont think they are needed. It stops RP.

I prefer darker rp, not ashamed to admit it. It has more possibilities as to where a story can go. IM me if you have RP ideas you wish to play out.

Always looking for RP. IM me if you wish to RP anything.


Kel Blindside does not belong to any groups.


Kel Blindside has not earned any achievements.



Tito Bellic Kel Blindside 8:20:12 am Caer Cadern
Kel Blindside Tito Bellic 7:30:09 am Caer Cadern

Kel Blindside Arwin Bartlett 9:30:59 am Caer Cadern
Arwin Bartlett Kel Blindside 9:25:30 am Caer Cadern
hammer Cardboard Kel Blindside 9:03:05 am Hydra
hammer Cardboard Kel Blindside 8:54:46 am Hydra
hammer Cardboard Kel Blindside 8:43:17 am Hydra

hammer Cardboard Kel Blindside 8:52:21 am Caer Cadern
hammer Cardboard Kel Blindside 8:49:31 am Caer Cadern