Jerome Toman



Registered 2021-02-13 08:19:48
K/D 3:1
Binds N/A
Bandages N/A

Jerome Toman I am not a master! Ok, sometimes I am. Depends on the boy!
Jerome = Switch.
Tolero = Top side ... mostly, hehe ...
Jabari = Sub ... yes, mostly

Why should a free man have to wear shoes/boots? It's true freedom to wear what I want (*)

Picture by Theosis Furse
BTW, boys: having a mesh body is not THAT difficult.
Head of the Abara family
Slaver in Romanum
Elder in the new nekkid Jungle tribe
High warrior in Na'Ga

If you lose a friend cause you were honest, he was not a friend. Not unfriending cause of honesty shows a true friend

into muscular, well proportioned studs
drama = blocked
Questions about RL or ask for money= ignored

(*) without annoying others, of course


  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)




Jerome Toman (Na'ga Mamba Tribe) RynoTKO 7:41:50 am Na'ga Mamba Tribe
Jerome Toman (Na'ga Mamba Tribe) RynoTKO 7:40:16 am Na'ga Mamba Tribe

RynoTKO Jerome Toman (Na'ga Mamba Tribe) 5:58:02 am Na'ga Mamba Tribe

Jerome Toman (Romanum IV) QuintusMarcTonatiuh 10:53:10 am Romanum

Claudion Resident Jerome Toman (Romanum IV) 11:01:39 am Romanum
Claudion Resident Jerome Toman (Romanum IV) 10:55:16 am Romanum
QuintusMarcTonatiuh Jerome Toman (Romanum IV) 10:52:28 am Romanum

Jerome Toman (Romanum IV) Claudion 11:05:20 am Romanum
Jerome Toman (Romanum IV) Jonny Zifanwe (Romanum) 10:54:23 am Romanum
Claudion Jerome Toman (Romanum IV) 10:23:27 am Romanum
QuintusMarcTonatiuh Resident Jerome Toman (Romanum IV) 10:17:16 am Romanum

Jerome Toman bobycoralsprings 11:03:54 am Romanum
Jerome Toman bobycoralsprings 10:53:21 am Romanum