
One True Hump


Registered 2018-04-19 10:56:47
K/D 1:2
Binds 1:1.67
Bandages 1:1.09

Hump Yu

Likes Cooking
Likes girls , especially those who like fat Chinese guys.


HumphreyCushion does not belong to any groups.


  • Viva La Resistance
    The sun is setting, it's time for the resistance to rise! (5xp)



Nummy Leborski (Argentum Mines) HumphreyCushion 3:58:05 pm LR Weapons / Nidavelli...
HumphreyCushion Godric Shadow (Unknown) 3:56:16 pm LR Weapons / Nidavelli...
Denzel Coy (The Alar) HumphreyCushion 3:54:37 pm LR Weapons / Nidavelli...

nikias Gertler (Stygia) HumphreyCushion 5:17:43 pm Argentum Mines
nikias Gertler (Stygia) HumphreyCushion 5:16:26 pm Argentum Mines
Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) HumphreyCushion 5:04:02 pm Sunholm Highland
HumphreyCushion sweetk123 (Sunholm Highland) 4:56:29 pm Sunholm Highland
Hacci Shamrock HumphreyCushion 4:52:55 pm Sunholm Highland
Hacci Shamrock HumphreyCushion 4:48:16 pm Sunholm Highland

HumphreyCushion Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) 5:58:32 pm Valkyrie Forest
Streellaa HumphreyCushion 5:58:05 pm Valkyrie Forest
HumphreyCushion Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) 5:56:17 pm Valkyrie Forest
Streellaa HumphreyCushion 5:54:48 pm Valkyrie Forest
HumphreyCushion Streellaa 5:54:45 pm Valkyrie Forest
HumphreyCushion MoonZap 5:52:35 pm Valkyrie Forest
HumphreyCushion rebeccaCe 5:37:57 pm Secret Bay
HumphreyCushion MoonZap 5:22:37 pm Valkyrie Forest
HumphreyCushion BadHoney (Argentum Mines) 5:21:22 pm Valkyrie Forest
magicfoxtail HumphreyCushion 5:21:04 pm Valkyrie Forest
magicfoxtail HumphreyCushion 5:20:59 pm Valkyrie Forest
GudinneBuduhenna (Valkyrie Forest) HumphreyCushion 5:19:32 pm Valkyrie Forest

tequilamaya (Marsh Wood) HumphreyCushion 6:03:58 pm LR Weapons
Denzel Coy (The Alar) HumphreyCushion 6:01:38 pm LR Weapons
Nummy Leborski (Argentum Mines) HumphreyCushion 5:59:25 pm LR Weapons
HumphreyCushion tricky222 (Blackwater Mers) 5:32:01 pm Argentum Mines
Valk Clifton HumphreyCushion 5:24:57 pm Argentum Mines
Niccolo Diesel (Topanga Canyon) HumphreyCushion 5:18:56 pm Argentum Mines
Valk Clifton HumphreyCushion 5:17:03 pm Argentum Mines
MoonZap HumphreyCushion 5:16:46 pm Argentum Mines
Joy Sontse HumphreyCushion 5:14:35 pm Argentum Mines
Jezebel Pleides HumphreyCushion 5:07:12 pm Argentum Mines
LilBrattyk (The Ruins) HumphreyCushion 5:06:10 pm Argentum Mines

HumphreyCushion Envy Baar (Argentum Mines) 5:20:10 pm Valkyrie Forest
HumphreyCushion Envy Baar (Argentum Mines) 5:09:32 pm Valkyrie Forest
BadHoney (Argentum Mines) HumphreyCushion 4:25:13 pm Valkyrie Forest