Galem Starship



Registered 2019-05-19 23:23:23
K/D 6.38:1
Binds 1:6
Bandages 1:2.67


My first language isn't english and I don't use translators, so please be patient while I emote.

Black Caste for hire. Here for RP only.

--- Send IM or notecard to arrange a meeting or approach ICly, avoid OOC in Local Chat ---

Italian and English
SLT+9/ UTC+2 /GMT+1

I am a roleplayer. I am *not* my character.


Galem Starship does not belong to any groups.


Galem Starship has not earned any achievements.



Galem Starship Henrius Corvinus 2:51:14 pm Genesian Road East
Galem Starship Henrius Corvinus 2:47:48 pm Genesian Road East

Galem Starship Valor Childs 4:22:36 pm City of Vonda and Home...

Galem Starship rhysha 4:36:29 pm Olni
Galem Starship Carlos81 Spyker (Olni) 4:22:55 pm Olni

B3ltazor (Port of Brundisium) Galem Starship 6:27:37 pm Port of Brundisium
B3ltazor (Port of Brundisium) Galem Starship 6:26:25 pm Port of Brundisium
Galem Starship DLMiksch (Port of Brundisium) 6:25:47 pm Port of Brundisium
Galem Starship Chaiton (Port of Brundisium) 6:25:08 pm Port of Brundisium
Galem Starship Maloverra Whitesong (TheFourCitiesofGor) 6:24:24 pm Port of Brundisium
Galem Starship Maloverra Whitesong (TheFourCitiesofGor) 6:23:51 pm Port of Brundisium
Galem Starship DLMiksch (Port of Brundisium) 6:23:44 pm Port of Brundisium
Galem Starship Chaiton (Port of Brundisium) 6:22:20 pm Port of Brundisium
Galem Starship Maloverra Whitesong (TheFourCitiesofGor) 6:18:46 pm Port of Brundisium

Galem Starship Risen Highwater (City of Tarn Ridge) 10:47:17 am City of Tarn Ridge

Galem Starship Collin Daines (Genesian Port) 5:37:04 pm Genesian Road East
Galem Starship Collin Daines (Genesian Port) 5:19:45 pm Genesian Road East
Galem Starship Collin Daines (Genesian Port) 5:10:49 pm Genesian Road East

Jokekiller (Isles of Tira) Galem Starship 2:11:03 pm Reavers of Var
JustAnotherWeeb Takeda (Reavers of the Thassa) Galem Starship 2:08:28 pm Reavers of Var
Galem Starship oOArieLBlueOo 2:07:57 pm Reavers of Var
Dioni Fang Galem Starship 2:06:39 pm Reavers of Var
Dioni Fang Galem Starship 2:05:59 pm Reavers of Var
Raizo Takeda (Isles of Tira) Galem Starship 2:01:02 pm Reavers of Var
Raizo Takeda (Isles of Tira) Galem Starship 1:58:40 pm Reavers of Var
Galem Starship antinoo130dc 1:57:52 pm Reavers of Var
Galem Starship antinoo130dc 1:57:16 pm Reavers of Var

Galem Starship BadHoney (Fjallheimili Fjord) 3:31:34 pm HochBurg
Galem Starship Shaka Brandris (HochBurg) 3:28:49 pm HochBurg
LaoiseFischer (HochBurg) Galem Starship 3:28:37 pm HochBurg
Galem Starship tequilamaya 3:27:40 pm HochBurg
Makayla Ronas (Valeron) Galem Starship 3:23:46 pm HochBurg
jambo Ansar (Reavers of the Thassa) Galem Starship 3:20:58 pm HochBurg
Galem Starship Denzel Coy (Reavers of the Thassa) 3:20:51 pm HochBurg
mirra91 (Reavers of the Thassa) Galem Starship 3:06:36 pm HochBurg