
Captured Region Date
deeahna Guild of Thieves 2018·10·23 11:33:15 am
SheaSkye Guild of Thieves 2018·10·23 11:28:58 am
d8nger Guild of Thieves 2018·10·21 11:51:46 am
KingBleda The Dark Merc's 2018·10·21 10:30:22 am
TinyXtina The Dark Merc's 2018·10·21 10:30:19 am
Tristyn Slade Guild of Thieves 2018·10·21 10:06:42 am
WarBow Guild of Thieves 2018·10·20 1:05:52 pm
Jupiter Rain Unknown Outlaws 2018·10·20 12:44:43 pm
AvaSoel Guild of Thieves 2018·10·20 10:08:17 am
Richie01 Guild of Thieves 2018·10·17 3:08:10 pm


Attacker Region Date
deeahna Guild of Thieves 2018·10·23 11:38:34 am
alexnyc Norsvald 2018·10·21 12:24:38 pm
Nivanglus Aya Guild of Thieves 2018·10·21 10:08:56 am
WarBow Guild of Thieves 2018·10·20 1:05:52 pm
SLDiego Guild of Thieves 2018·10·20 12:11:54 pm
Shaka Brandris Guild of Thieves 2018·10·20 10:08:24 am
Kiff Cloud Guild of Thieves 2018·10·17 8:58:40 pm
Kiff Cloud Guild of Thieves 2018·10·17 8:58:37 pm
Silent Earthboy Guild of Thieves 2018·10·17 8:58:35 pm


Bound Region Date
Screw Kroll Guild of Thieves 2018·10·23 12:26:43 pm
ellizabethSc Guild of Thieves 2018·10·21 11:52:28 am
Jupiter Rain Unknown Outlaws 2018·10·20 12:46:01 pm
Giangisk Diesel Guild of Thieves 2018·10·20 12:11:55 pm
BickDickBoiHades The Dark Merc's 2018·10·20 10:45:07 am
anarmofgod Guild of Thieves 2018·10·19 3:13:11 pm
AvaSoel Isle of Scagnar 2018·10·17 7:46:27 am
kupseker32 Isle of Scagnar 2018·10·17 7:46:06 am
Flower Blossom Guild of Thieves 2018·10·16 8:02:23 pm
Denzel Coy Guild of Thieves 2018·10·16 11:20:17 am


Binder Region Date
helenaxforever Guild of Thieves 2018·10·23 11:41:33 am
Aphy Guild of Thieves 2018·10·21 10:11:53 am
Denzel Coy Guild of Thieves 2018·10·17 2:56:08 pm
Mildly Salty Guild of Thieves 2018·10·16 7:50:55 am
LorenzanaCaoba Guild of Thieves 2018·10·12 6:37:04 pm
Creed Venom Guild of Thieves 2018·10·12 6:23:50 pm
0lmec Guild of Thieves 2018·10·12 11:29:55 am
xInakix Turian Nights 2018·07·24 9:35:36 am
LiLDesire Destiny Turian Nights 2018·07·23 3:34:36 pm
Gioia Burner Turian Nights 2018·07·23 7:57:15 am


Region Date
Guild of Thieves 2018·10·20 10:19:59 am
Guild of Thieves 2018·10·20 10:19:57 am
Guild of Thieves 2018·10·17 8:58:45 pm
Guild of Thieves 2018·10·17 8:58:38 pm
Guild of Thieves 2018·10·17 8:58:36 pm
Guild of Thieves 2018·10·17 8:58:34 pm
Guild of Thieves 2018·10·17 8:58:32 pm
Guild of Thieves 2018·10·17 8:58:31 pm
Guild of Thieves 2018·10·17 8:58:30 pm
Guild of Thieves 2018·10·17 8:58:28 pm


Killer Victim Date
Suicide FrauMuller 2018·06·26 6:36:56 pm
Nivanglus Aya FrauMuller 2018·06·23 10:02:12 pm
FrauMuller DarkMight Cyberstar 2018·05·30 6:51:51 pm
Efyr FrauMuller 2018·05·22 3:50:35 pm
Suicide FrauMuller 2018·05·20 9:19:05 am
FrauMuller TheeDonaldTrump 2018·05·19 3:46:54 pm