Eliphas Maktoum

Fjölşviör Törvaldşön


Registered 2018-06-20 01:13:34
K/D 2.32:1
Binds 6.4:1
Bandages 1:1.2

Fjölşviör Törvaldşön

"Deep within the forests of Torvaldsland, where the wind whispers ancient secrets and the mountains rise majestically, resides him, a Rune-Priest of imposing stature. With his hair and beard long and gray like mountain mist, Fjolsvior is a figure shrouded in mystery and power. With only one eye, he sees beyond the mundane, unraveling the enigmas of Gor through runes. Formerly a Jarl, he sacrificed his village by unleashing an avalanche to fulfill the gods' wish and gain arcane knowledge. Now, in the solitude of the northern forests, Fjolsvior lives as a keeper of runic secrets, seeking balance between the power granted by the gods and the weight of his past actions..."

[https://www.flickr.com/photos/fjolsviortorvaldson/ Flickr]

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