


Registered 2021-03-06 23:42:58
K/D 3.25:1
Binds 3.34:1
Bandages 1.32:1


"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change".


Concorduh does not belong to any groups.


  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Heavy Saver
    I'll keep that safe for you, promise. (25xp)
  • Combat Medic
    Finally you're good at something. (100xp)
  • Could You Knot?
    I couldn't spin this one, sorry. (100xp)
  • Stat Whore
    I hope those last hits were worth this achievement. (150xp)
  • Fantastic Five
    You're in the big leagues now. (500xp)
  • Dexterous
    Are you going to pay tax on that? (100xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Viva La Resistance
    The sun is setting, it's time for the resistance to rise! (5xp)



Skjoge (Siba) Concorduh 12:15:30 pm Black Corsairs
Concorduh Mitsubishy 12:10:15 pm Black Corsairs
Concorduh rubenyosef47 (Gates of Despair) 11:40:38 am Gates of Despair

Concorduh Naomi Bunny 11:31:04 am The Alar
Concorduh Budisium (Port Victoria) 11:11:43 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Concorduh muffinman22 11:11:08 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Concorduh Budisium (Port Victoria) 11:10:11 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Concorduh Susanna038 (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) 11:10:10 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Concorduh tammi4u222 (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) 11:09:48 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Concorduh NiaLuna (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) 11:09:30 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Concorduh TheaJatho (The Alar) 11:09:08 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Concorduh Budisium (Port Victoria) 11:06:47 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Concorduh Budisium (Port Victoria) 11:04:40 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers

Concorduh Rain0bow 9:38:43 am The Alar
Concorduh Rain0bow 9:37:44 am The Alar
Concorduh Rain0bow 9:36:56 am The Alar
Concorduh Rain0bow 9:33:44 am The Alar
Concorduh Rain0bow 9:33:15 am The Alar
Concorduh Rain0bow 9:31:03 am The Alar
Concorduh Rain0bow 9:30:30 am The Alar

Concorduh JJ Soir (Unknown) 11:40:54 am Belnend
FranziSchmaul (Belnend) Concorduh 11:36:47 am Belnend
Ariane Askari (Belnend) Concorduh 11:35:44 am Belnend
Concorduh TahiraSamira (Belnend) 11:35:38 am Belnend
Concorduh chrystal Melody (Belnend) 11:35:14 am Belnend
Concorduh Yairana 11:34:01 am Belnend
Concorduh dynaix 11:33:55 am Belnend
Concorduh JJ Soir (Unknown) 11:31:02 am Belnend
JJ Soir (Unknown) Concorduh 11:30:51 am Belnend
Concorduh amaralucia (Deadly Sinners) 11:29:49 am Belnend
JJ Soir (Unknown) Concorduh 11:27:41 am Belnend
Concorduh CuddlyPuppy21 (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) 10:57:09 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Concorduh Cinnaamon 10:56:07 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Concorduh NiaLuna (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) 10:55:45 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Concorduh CuddlyPuppy21 (Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers) 10:54:56 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers