Armand Concertina



Registered 2020-05-14 22:13:03
Binds N/A
Bandages 7:1

Armand Concertina

I have a deep love of descriptive writing and, consequently, text-based roleplay settings and interactions. Somehow, I always find myself returning to Gor.

Generally friendly and welcoming though my ASD does rear its head at times, even here. I can get overwhelmed in densely populated sims when on my own or not otherwise focused by something or someone.



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



Armand Concertina (Isle of Misfits) Gotho Cuttita (Vosk Morass) 3:45:13 pm Lost Ruins of Schendi

Armand Concertina XSoullessEyesX 4:52:37 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
Armand Concertina XSoullessEyesX 4:47:34 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern

Armand Concertina uruviel Lorefield (Mildrheimr of Skjern) 12:29:32 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
Armand Concertina uruviel Lorefield (Mildrheimr of Skjern) 12:28:28 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
Armand Concertina SashaLynae Blackheart (Hold of Axe Fjord) 12:17:32 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
Armand Concertina SashaLynae Blackheart (Hold of Axe Fjord) 12:15:49 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
Armand Concertina Eltan Tremor (Mildrheimr of Skjern) 12:07:04 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern

Armand Concertina Eltan Tremor (Mildrheimr of Skjern) 10:46:00 am Mildrheimr of Skjern

Armand Concertina (The Ruins) GrayWolfenX 12:58:59 pm The Ruins

RavenBlueR0se (Tamber Isles) Armand Concertina 5:00:51 pm Lydius
Armand Concertina Tudu Beleza (Forests of Gor - BtB Outpost & Dani's Band & Gazette Office) 4:57:25 pm Lydius
Armand Concertina Tudu Beleza (Forests of Gor - BtB Outpost & Dani's Band & Gazette Office) 4:55:18 pm Lydius