Arian Kral



Registered 2021-08-24 01:21:54
K/D 1:3
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Arian Kral

Life is all about growing into and strengthening relationships. I am not just a man, I am me, just like you are you! There is no one better at being you than you, just like there is no one better than me at being me.

If you can't take me at my worst, you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.


  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



Florence Peabody (City of Thentis-BTB Gor) Arian Kral (City of Thentis-BTB Gor) 1:56:45 pm City of Thentis-BTB Gor

Arian Kral Arian Kral 10:32:43 am City of Thentis-BTB Gor

VesperSiren Arian Kral (Treve & Minus) 6:16:59 pm Villa of Dreams
albelnoxbloodaxe Arian Kral (Treve & Minus) 6:14:32 pm Villa of Dreams
VesperSiren Arian Kral (Treve & Minus) 6:05:49 pm Villa of Dreams
VesperSiren Arian Kral (Treve & Minus) 6:00:17 pm Villa of Dreams
x1Kumiko1x Arian Kral (Treve & Minus) 5:59:13 pm Villa of Dreams
VesperSiren Arian Kral (Treve & Minus) 5:54:42 pm Villa of Dreams
Talena Bailly Arian Kral (Treve & Minus) 5:52:42 pm Villa of Dreams

Talena Bailly Arian Kral 7:11:47 pm Tarnburg
Kreousa Laville Arian Kral 7:10:06 pm Tarnburg
Kreousa Laville Arian Kral 7:07:55 pm Tarnburg
Arian Kral Alexa Didero 7:07:34 pm Tarnburg