AnTi Foxclaw



Registered 2017-09-25 12:11:48
K/D 4.6:1
Binds 6.44:1
Bandages 1:1.39

Suguru Geto

they say I'm on fire, like a 19th century witch.


Unknown GE


  • Viva La Resistance
    The sun is setting, it's time for the resistance to rise! (5xp)
  • Could You Knot?
    I couldn't spin this one, sorry. (100xp)
  • One of a Kind
    You get a seat at the cool kids table. (1000xp)
  • Fantastic Five
    You're in the big leagues now. (500xp)
  • Gor Investigator
    The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes. (1xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Helping Hands
    Either you're a lovely person or just trying to steal those kills. (75xp)
  • Every Little Helps
    Do you not 1 on 1 bro? (15xp)
  • Stat Whore
    I hope those last hits were worth this achievement. (150xp)



AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) Raijin Winkler 4:17:47 pm Lydius
AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) Tyat (Unknown) 4:16:14 pm Lydius
Tyat (Unknown) AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) 4:16:11 pm Lydius
AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) PinnOne 4:15:29 pm Lydius
AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) llllllIllllIlll 4:14:05 pm Lydius
AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) DyRad (Isles of Tira) 4:11:02 pm Lydius
DyRad (Isles of Tira) AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) 4:10:55 pm Lydius

AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) jordan Cannoli 1:55:34 pm Sunholm Highlands

AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) OoopsychobitchooO (Marsh Wood Pirates) 2:21:04 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
AndrewRice AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) 2:19:27 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
AndrewRice AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) 2:19:26 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Patty Landar (Marsh Wood Pirates) AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) 2:17:57 pm Marsh Wood Pirates
Really Gay (Isles of Tira) AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) 2:07:14 pm Marsh Wood Pirates

DimosWarwick (The Alar) AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) 4:48:45 pm LR Weapons / Nidavelli...
Mac Takeda AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) 4:46:54 pm LR Weapons / Nidavelli...
Valtiel Vandervoort (Isles of Tira) AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) 4:46:23 pm LR Weapons / Nidavelli...
AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) Valtiel Vandervoort (Isles of Tira) 4:46:23 pm LR Weapons / Nidavelli...
AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) Devilish Melody 4:45:46 pm LR Weapons / Nidavelli...
AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) DimosWarwick (The Alar) 4:43:51 pm LR Weapons / Nidavelli...
AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) Chocolate Little 8:13:34 am Lydius
AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) Chocolate Little 8:10:42 am Lydius

UntouchableHeartt AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) 4:11:05 pm Lydius
OrihsVastusIra AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) 4:06:05 pm Lydius
BINKES (Isles of Tira) AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) 4:05:42 pm Lydius
Tokutomi Takeda (The Alar) AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) 4:02:30 pm Lydius
AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) Joshuwa Mysterious (The Alar) 4:02:13 pm Lydius
AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) Devilish Melody 4:02:10 pm Lydius
AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) OrihsVastusIra 3:32:51 pm LR Weapons / Nidavelli...
AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) UntouchableHeartt 3:32:07 pm LR Weapons / Nidavelli...
AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) BINKES (Isles of Tira) 3:22:16 pm LR Weapons / Nidavelli...

AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) vladhyde Wheatcliffe 5:39:42 pm Argentum Mines
AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) lynchen (Argentum Mines) 5:12:15 pm Lydius
Aquillius Kroll (Isles of Tira) AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) 5:11:17 pm Lydius
Streellaa AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) 5:09:33 pm Lydius
AnTi Foxclaw (Unknown) MissTimeter666 (Argentum Mines) 5:09:02 pm Lydius