
Nikki Lordes


Registered 2017-08-27 23:15:08
Binds 1:1
Bandages 1:4

Nikki Lordes

Proudly Sworn Citizen of Genesian Port 5/14/2021

"There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there."
Indira Gandhi



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Heavy Saver
    I'll keep that safe for you, promise. (25xp)
  • Banker
    You're now officially the elite. (100xp)



AlwaysNikki (Port Nykus) Graves Cloud 3:47:25 pm Island of Svago
AlwaysNikki (Port Nykus) Graves Cloud 3:46:11 pm Island of Svago
AlwaysNikki (Port Nykus) Graves Cloud 3:32:20 pm Island of Svago
AlwaysNikki (Port Nykus) Graves Cloud 3:31:23 pm Island of Svago
AlwaysNikki (Port Nykus) Graves Cloud 3:30:08 pm Island of Svago

AlwaysNikki (Port Nykus) William Carver 2:34:29 pm Island of Svago

AlwaysNikki Klonky 2:01:53 pm Svago Spectacular Arena
AlwaysNikki William Carver 1:30:13 pm Svago Spectacular Arena

William Carver AlwaysNikki 11:13:06 am Island of Svago
William Carver AlwaysNikki 10:42:12 am Island of Svago
William Carver AlwaysNikki 10:41:45 am Island of Svago
William Carver AlwaysNikki 10:37:23 am Island of Svago
William Carver AlwaysNikki 10:19:47 am Island of Svago
William Carver AlwaysNikki 10:10:36 am Island of Svago
William Carver AlwaysNikki 10:09:06 am Island of Svago
William Carver AlwaysNikki 10:05:40 am Island of Svago

Klonky AlwaysNikki 5:08:11 pm Island of Svago

AlwaysNikki Zorphin 9:06:01 pm Island of Svago

AlwaysNikki Meren Milena 6:56:23 am Island of Svago

VampZ007 xxChaaossxx 6:13:48 pm Island of Svago
xxChaaossxx VampZ007 6:13:47 pm Island of Svago
AlwaysNikki xxChaaossxx 5:25:23 pm Island of Svago
AlwaysNikki xxChaaossxx 5:03:05 pm Island of Svago
xxChaaossxx Atanii 5:02:32 pm Island of Svago

shevaunn Clarity VampZ007 9:01:21 pm Island of Svago
VampZ007 Atanii 8:56:56 pm Island of Svago
AlwaysNikki shevaunn Clarity 8:53:05 pm Island of Svago
VampZ007 Atanii 8:25:40 pm Island of Svago