


Registered 2023-12-15 15:36:30
K/D 1:5.64
Binds 1:2.21
Bandages 1:3.67


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  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Easy Way Out
    Don't you feel special. (-50xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



Leda Oryl (Ice Fang) sPurpoSSe 6:35:39 am Ice Fang

sPurpoSSe sPurpoSSe 6:14:03 am Ice Fang

sPurpoSSe sPurpoSSe 6:43:29 am Ice Fang

sPurpoSSe sPurpoSSe 7:06:44 am Ice Fang

sPurpoSSe OoneTwoO 6:10:46 am Jericho Hill
sPurpoSSe OoneTwoO 6:09:18 am Jericho Hill
sPurpoSSe OoneTwoO 6:08:09 am Jericho Hill

EveGalardo sPurpoSSe 9:11:33 am Jericho Hill
OoneTwoO sPurpoSSe 9:10:15 am Jericho Hill
OoneTwoO sPurpoSSe 8:52:58 am Jericho Hill
OoneTwoO sPurpoSSe 8:52:16 am Jericho Hill
sPurpoSSe OoneTwoO 8:28:18 am Jericho Hill
sPurpoSSe OoneTwoO 8:27:06 am Jericho Hill
sPurpoSSe OoneTwoO 8:24:01 am Jericho Hill
sPurpoSSe OoneTwoO 8:20:16 am Jericho Hill
sPurpoSSe OoneTwoO 8:18:27 am Jericho Hill

FamousPython sPurpoSSe 7:28:04 am Valkyrie Forest
FamousPython sPurpoSSe 7:27:43 am Valkyrie Forest
FamousPython sPurpoSSe 7:25:31 am Valkyrie Forest

Falling sPurpoSSe 6:52:20 am Ilha de Tabor

Nephirye (Hikeda'ya) sPurpoSSe 4:14:23 pm Hikeda'ya
Nephirye (Hikeda'ya) sPurpoSSe 4:12:43 pm Hikeda'ya
Antonio Memo (Argentum Mines) sPurpoSSe 4:11:03 pm Hikeda'ya

Marcellus Septimus sPurpoSSe 2:45:53 am Valkyrie Forest
BrealDIamond sPurpoSSe 2:43:38 am Valkyrie Forest

Suicide sPurpoSSe 2:23:55 am Hidden Forest
SilentAngelOfTheNight sPurpoSSe 1:57:22 am Hidden Forest
SilentAngelOfTheNight sPurpoSSe 1:55:48 am Hidden Forest
Christina Francis sPurpoSSe 12:02:39 am Valkyrie Forest
Christina Francis sPurpoSSe 12:01:21 am Valkyrie Forest

Menander Blaisdale sPurpoSSe 1:01:30 pm Hidden Forest
Menander Blaisdale sPurpoSSe 1:01:09 pm Hidden Forest
Nath2018alie (Tamber Island) sPurpoSSe 12:56:38 pm Hidden Forest

eratostenea sPurpoSSe 3:28:38 pm Secret Bay
eratostenea sPurpoSSe 3:27:05 pm Secret Bay