pirate Karillion



Registered 2017-05-27 04:21:35
K/D 1:1.24
Binds 1:2.35
Bandages 1.06:1

pirate Karillion

Treve/Minus-BTB GOR
Not giving a fuck does not mean being indifferent; it means being comfortable with being different.Come if you dare, to the ONLY Gorean sim in the south, to actually have a pair of balls between their thighs and be feared and hated without the need for fake, fucking Awards.



  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)
  • Viva La Resistance
    The sun is setting, it's time for the resistance to rise! (5xp)
  • Loose Change
    You might as well give your money away. (-10xp)
  • Heavy Saver
    I'll keep that safe for you, promise. (25xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



pirate Karillion Pocahontas Bigboots 9:43:19 pm The Alar
pirate Karillion Serenity Nemerower (Topanga Canyon) 9:39:04 pm The Alar
Serenity Nemerower (Topanga Canyon) pirate Karillion 9:39:04 pm The Alar
Serenity Nemerower (Topanga Canyon) pirate Karillion 9:38:23 pm The Alar
TheaJatho (The Alar) pirate Karillion 9:35:20 pm The Alar
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LunaWolfe pirate Karillion 9:27:16 pm The Alar
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pirate Karillion Eroboss 9:26:04 pm The Alar
pirate Karillion Serenity Nemerower (Topanga Canyon) 9:15:12 pm The Alar
Devilish Core (Dark Hearts) pirate Karillion 9:12:40 pm The Alar
MiracleMyth (Dark Hearts) pirate Karillion 9:08:43 pm The Alar

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pirate Karillion Tahmo 1:29:45 pm Siba
pirate Karillion Kirsten Klaar (Siba) 1:25:54 pm Siba
pirate Karillion anarmofgod (Gates of Despair) 1:17:35 pm Siba
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LunaWolfe pirate Karillion 8:08:25 pm The Alar
pirate Karillion Odo Dryke (Argentum Mines) 8:08:04 pm The Alar
oOPickleOo pirate Karillion 7:41:59 pm Argentum Mines
TheaJatho (The Alar) pirate Karillion 7:40:16 pm Argentum Mines
Yuritzo (Argentum Mines) pirate Karillion 7:37:19 pm Argentum Mines
pirate Karillion Witch Osbourne (Deadly Sinners) 7:26:13 pm Argentum Mines
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Nummy Leborski (Argentum Mines) pirate Karillion 7:23:37 pm Argentum Mines
oOPickleOo pirate Karillion 7:21:12 pm Argentum Mines
Jennifer Lethdetter (Deadly Sinners) pirate Karillion 7:08:06 pm Argentum Mines
PJ Blackheart (Reavers of the Thassa) pirate Karillion 7:06:28 pm Argentum Mines

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pirate Karillion Naomi Bunny 8:17:19 pm Argentum Mines
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