Registered | 2017-05-15 01:16:37 | |
K/D | N/A | Binds | 1:1 |
Bandages | 1:1.5 |
Brief description, Kataii warriior from the plains, a nomad now traveled to the forests and jungles of gor to trade and search out goods and items of value, looking for the gorean values of honour , loyalty and valour..
'They say a wise man learns by others mistakes, but a fool by his own' seems true and evokes some logic, chuckles..
littleblackkittycat1979 | 6:15:01 pm | Whispering Moons / Tow... | |
littleblackkittycat1979 | 6:09:13 pm | Whispering Moons / Tow... |
philjohnuk Utorid | annabelle Holmer | 11:24:18 am | Rainforest of Sheba |
andy25berlin | 3:56:01 pm | Whispering Moons / Nor... |
Lucinda Selona (Topanga Canyon) | 8:13:49 pm | Tri'Moon Panthers |
QueenSnakes | 7:56:02 pm | Jungle Rain-forests of... |
ChristinaWild | 7:16:35 pm | The Ruins |
bballow | 5:30:18 pm | Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers |
ChrissyCheress Nandahar | 6:52:07 pm | Secret Paradise | |
ChrissyCheress Nandahar | 6:31:06 pm | Secret Paradise | |
ChrissyCheress Nandahar | 6:29:18 pm | Secret Paradise |
Petra Poliatevska | philjohnuk Utorid | 7:40:43 pm | Na'ga Mamba Tribe | |
Petra Poliatevska | philjohnuk Utorid | 6:50:06 pm | Na'ga Mamba Tribe | |
Petra Poliatevska | philjohnuk Utorid | 6:40:34 pm | Na'ga Mamba Tribe |
NightStorms | 7:43:13 pm | City of Ka'zhar |
MarylineMaby | 6:39:38 pm | The Ruins |
RowinNights | philjohnuk Utorid | 7:33:13 pm | San Tor |
philjohnuk Utorid | philjohnuk Utorid | 6:22:18 pm | Hydra |