


Registered 2019-02-08 21:06:15
K/D 1.07:1
Binds 1.62:1
Bandages 1:1.4


Want to know more rp me
I have dyslexcia deal with it or dont rp me


  • Easy Way Out
    Don't you feel special. (-50xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



Delling25 javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 4:28:48 pm Hidden Forest
javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) samiranna 4:16:06 pm Hidden Forest
javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) samiranna 4:14:42 pm Hidden Forest

Celestine Ghiardie (Isle of Sin - Sin's Band Panthers) javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 5:35:47 am Hidden Forest

javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Ezio Sabretooth (Rorus) 7:38:40 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
Musaler (Genesian Port) javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 7:34:46 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
Ezio Sabretooth (Rorus) javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 7:29:54 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
Noble javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 7:29:41 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
AndrewRice javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 7:22:32 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
Marky Mumblewood javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 7:14:18 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
AndrewRice javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 7:00:50 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) celestia Ryba 5:45:43 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor

javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Scarlet Melodious 7:26:00 am Hidden Forest
javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Scarlet Melodious 7:24:13 am Hidden Forest

javis1ironfist Resident (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Scarlet Melodious 9:40:03 am Hidden Forest
javis1ironfist Resident (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Scarlet Melodious 9:38:01 am Hidden Forest

javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 9:18:18 am Hidden Forest
javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Manon Seid (Isle of Sin - Sin's Band Panthers) 9:00:19 am Hidden Forest

javis1ironfist Resident (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Cheeky LittleBoots 7:52:44 am Hidden Forest
javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Cheeky LittleBoots 6:20:38 am Hidden Forest
javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Cheeky LittleBoots 6:19:11 am Hidden Forest

Kairi Slacker javis1ironfist 8:03:20 pm Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers

Elfida48 javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 3:29:25 am Lydius
Elfida48 javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 3:26:26 am Lydius
javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) FemkeLinchen 3:25:15 am Lydius
Valan Wolfzahn (Forests of Gor - BtB Outpost & Dani's Band & Gazette Office) javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 3:09:58 am Lydius
Valan Wolfzahn (Forests of Gor - BtB Outpost & Dani's Band & Gazette Office) javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 3:06:16 am Lydius
Valan Wolfzahn (Forests of Gor - BtB Outpost & Dani's Band & Gazette Office) javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 3:04:59 am Lydius

javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Blair Talaj (Forests of Gor - BtB Outpost & Dani's Band & Gazette Office) 4:11:36 pm Lydius
javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Blair Talaj (Forests of Gor - BtB Outpost & Dani's Band & Gazette Office) 4:09:06 pm Lydius

javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 2:32:34 am Lydius
Carola Rosca javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 12:37:53 am Lydius
Carola Rosca javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 12:34:21 am Lydius

javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Tom Leeder (Cyberpunk Apokaliptika) 6:25:22 pm Isle of Sin - Sin's Ba...
javis1ironfist (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Tom Leeder (Cyberpunk Apokaliptika) 6:16:49 pm Isle of Sin - Sin's Ba...