Lady Lucia Aetos
Registered | 2021-07-05 04:27:21 | |
K/D | N/A | Binds | N/A |
Bandages | N/A |
hema2598 does not have a bio.
hema2598 Resident | hema2598 (Olni towards the Sardar Mountains) | 3:53:49 pm | Imperial Cos : Telnus |
hema2598 (Olni towards the Sardar Mountains) | Brutus Blackwood (Imperial Cos : Telnus) | 3:44:04 am | Imperial Cos : Telnus | |
hema2598 (Olni towards the Sardar Mountains) | AstraelKara (Imperial Cos : Telnus) | 3:36:37 am | Imperial Cos : Telnus |