


Registered 2017-08-13 21:32:36
K/D 1:2
Binds 1:1
Bandages N/A


a wanderer, a thief , sometime a woodcutter.
no need to have too many information there. Rp is the good way to have good story.
no limits, would like to stay alive.


gesufal does not belong to any groups.


  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)



gesufal Carrie Jestyr 3:07:58 am Vosk Delta Outlaws
gesufal Carrie Jestyr 3:05:34 am Vosk Delta Outlaws

RaikkonenTheIceman gesufal 4:38:12 am City of Lara
RaikkonenTheIceman gesufal 4:32:11 am City of Lara
RaikkonenTheIceman gesufal 4:30:33 am City of Lara
RaikkonenTheIceman gesufal 4:24:54 am City of Lara
RaikkonenTheIceman gesufal 4:12:59 am City of Lara
RaikkonenTheIceman gesufal 3:43:05 am City of Lara
gesufal Joseph Cardalines 2:50:55 am City of Lara

Falling gesufal 3:15:15 am Südland: Talunaland

Falling gesufal 7:29:01 am Cupid
ioneus Trill (Laura - The Northern Forest - Gor BTB) gesufal 7:27:06 am Cupid
Falling gesufal 7:26:00 am Cupid

gesufal Grigori Kozlov 10:48:55 am Hidden Forest
gesufal Grigori Kozlov 10:46:33 am Hidden Forest

gesufal Alechandrosery 6:18:31 am Two Scimitars

gesufal Robin Dancer 8:38:04 am Hidden Forest

Surinumi (The Alar) gesufal 2:03:42 pm Secret Paradise

gesufal tindouf 1:22:10 am Cupid

aom3 gesufal 1:32:49 am Na'ga Mamba Tribe
aom3 gesufal 1:31:29 am Na'ga Mamba Tribe

JarvisFoster gesufal 10:38:04 am Na'ga Mamba Tribe
JarvisFoster gesufal 10:35:53 am Na'ga Mamba Tribe
JarvisFoster gesufal 10:34:29 am Na'ga Mamba Tribe

Nath2018alie gesufal 5:42:03 am Secret Paradise

Nath2018alie gesufal 11:10:08 am Secret Paradise
Nath2018alie gesufal 10:56:11 am Secret Paradise
Nath2018alie gesufal 10:50:01 am Secret Paradise

gesufal Nath2018alie 8:16:12 am Jad, Isle of Cos
gesufal Nath2018alie 8:14:41 am Jad, Isle of Cos

gesufal Resident Deamona Pawpad 12:49:19 pm Sa Ki Fori
gesufal Resident Deamona Pawpad 12:47:27 pm Sa Ki Fori

gesufal Resident Elawy 3:50:29 pm Mirkwood Forest
gesufal Resident AshleyJo 3:02:35 pm Siba

gesufal gesufal 3:56:47 pm Red Rock