erdil Loopen



Registered 2020-04-24 20:21:06
K/D 1:1.49
Binds 1:14.75
Bandages 1.52:1


I Dont Care you aLL


erdil Loopen does not belong to any groups.


  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)



Anelia Vyper erdil Loopen 2:10:16 pm Heimdall`s Watch
Kalel Crazyboi erdil Loopen 2:09:13 pm Heimdall`s Watch
erdil Loopen CynricSaxon (of the Northmen) 2:09:04 pm Heimdall`s Watch
Piglet Puddles erdil Loopen 1:30:39 pm Siba
Midnight244 erdil Loopen 1:28:27 pm Siba

Shikaku Shinn (Fjallheimili Fjord) erdil Loopen 1:05:33 pm Norvillian Outlaws
PinnOne erdil Loopen 1:01:22 pm Norvillian Outlaws
erdil Loopen ole Hyun 12:54:09 pm Norvillian Outlaws
erdil Loopen Kuthen 12:51:59 pm Norvillian Outlaws
Kuthen erdil Loopen 12:51:35 pm Norvillian Outlaws
sarasd Karu (City of Egeria) erdil Loopen 12:37:25 pm Asgard Wrath
Seduction Calamity (City of Egeria) erdil Loopen 12:35:06 pm Asgard Wrath
erdil Loopen Khalf Wayfarer (Ascalon Empire) 12:34:30 pm Asgard Wrath
Sphinx0 (The Alar) erdil Loopen 12:34:22 pm Asgard Wrath

d8nger (Outcast Outlaws) erdil Loopen 2:28:50 pm Saints of Gor
BadHoney (The Alar) erdil Loopen 2:27:18 pm Saints of Gor
LaoiseFischer erdil Loopen 12:31:32 pm Asgard Wrath
Elena Audebarn erdil Loopen 12:29:33 pm Asgard Wrath
Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) erdil Loopen 12:28:13 pm Asgard Wrath

erdil Loopen Quinn Helix (Saphronicus Stronghold) 4:21:51 pm Saphronicus Stronghold
Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) erdil Loopen 4:15:42 pm Saphronicus Stronghold
Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) erdil Loopen 4:14:09 pm Saphronicus Stronghold
Gunwald Constantine (Dark Sword Outlaws) erdil Loopen 3:18:45 pm Dark Sword Outlaws
erdil Loopen Raijin Winkler (Argentum Mines) 3:08:49 pm Dark Sword Outlaws
erdil Loopen Jael Aldrin (Outcast Outlaws) 3:05:30 pm Dark Sword Outlaws
erdil Loopen JusticeAnn (Fjallheimili Fjord) 3:03:46 pm Dark Sword Outlaws
erdil Loopen EdenRose Sharple 3:02:21 pm Dark Sword Outlaws
erdil Loopen ExStasyy 3:00:52 pm Dark Sword Outlaws

Elena Audebarn erdil Loopen 1:21:53 pm Asgard Wrath
Wyattgunner Resident erdil Loopen 1:20:43 pm Asgard Wrath
erdil Loopen EdenRose Sharple (Kalana Woods) 1:08:09 pm Asgard Wrath
Dominique Orfein erdil Loopen 1:01:30 pm Asgard Wrath
sarasd Karu (City of Egeria) erdil Loopen 12:59:26 pm Asgard Wrath
petitefleurebleue erdil Loopen 12:47:51 pm Asgard Wrath
Budi Setsuko erdil Loopen 10:50:02 am Stygia