


Registered 2020-06-07 20:04:07
K/D 1:6.89
Binds 1:4.09
Bandages 1:1.21


* no pewpew attacks if you do not want to RP me do not attack me and sail me to a city,
*no putting me in a cage and leaving me, unless agree to continue the RP later/ or after 1 hour or I will leave.


: If you take 15 minutes to post - thats not Para RP - thats AFK/ Your right to make art ends there - I'm gone



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)



PinnOne derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:16:49 pm Jungles of Ushindi
PinnOne derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:15:11 pm Jungles of Ushindi

zabeya Resident derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 12:57:34 pm Jungles of Ushindi
zabeya Resident derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 12:54:29 pm Jungles of Ushindi

Kirsten Klaar derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:47:56 pm Jungles of Ushindi
Sky Valerian derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:45:07 pm Jungles of Ushindi
Kaos Reynaud (Jungles of Ushindi) derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:39:38 pm Jungles of Ushindi
derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) slippery Clowes (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:37:28 pm Jungles of Ushindi
derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) gingerpussgirl 1:34:08 pm Jungles of Ushindi
gingerpussgirl derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:34:01 pm Jungles of Ushindi
derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) gingerpussgirl 1:31:33 pm Jungles of Ushindi
gingerpussgirl derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:31:30 pm Jungles of Ushindi

SuaveGal derrythlu 12:59:42 pm Siba
Kaos Reynaud (Isles of Tira) derrythlu 12:57:22 pm Siba

derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) Qahhar 2:09:19 pm Jungles of Ushindi
derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) sisyphuskr 2:08:41 pm Jungles of Ushindi
derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) Qahhar 2:01:22 pm Jungles of Ushindi
derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) KirstenMaebh 1:41:23 pm Jungles of Ushindi

derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) KirstenMaebh 12:59:57 pm Jungles of Ushindi

derrythlu Allerd (Secret Bay) 1:17:03 pm Secret Bay
Kalevala8 derrythlu 1:12:39 pm Secret Bay
Allerd (Secret Bay) derrythlu 1:05:26 pm Secret Bay
Palen Cale derrythlu 1:04:04 pm Secret Bay
Palen Cale derrythlu 1:03:37 pm Secret Bay
Allerd (Secret Bay) derrythlu 1:02:04 pm Secret Bay

Kirsten Klaar derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:56:59 pm Jungles of Ushindi
Kirsten Klaar derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:55:21 pm Jungles of Ushindi
Palen Cale derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:44:06 pm Jungles of Ushindi
staxs derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:42:28 pm Jungles of Ushindi
Sky Valerian derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:35:19 pm Jungles of Ushindi

derrythlu Allerd (Secret Bay) 1:28:39 pm Secret Bay

Natsumer Resident derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 1:08:04 pm Jungles of Ushindi
helenaxforever Resident derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 12:58:25 pm Jungles of Ushindi
helenaxforever Resident derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 12:56:58 pm Jungles of Ushindi

ScarletMatahari derrythlu (Jungles of Ushindi) 12:07:19 pm Jungles of Ushindi