cubbear Brune



Registered 2018-06-08 14:53:53
K/D 1.83:1
Binds 8:1
Bandages 5:1


Cosian born free man in search of companion or slavve.

working on outfitting.



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



cubbear Brune ZiffLovelace 5:52:55 am Tri'Moon Panthers
cubbear Brune Ginger Gill 5:51:49 am Tri'Moon Panthers
cubbear Brune Ginger Gill (Tri'Moon Panthers and Darkport Pirates) 5:46:47 am Tri'Moon Panthers
cubbear Brune Ginger Gill (Tri'Moon Panthers and Darkport Pirates) 5:45:49 am Tri'Moon Panthers
Ginger Gill (Tri'Moon Panthers and Darkport Pirates) ZiffLovelace 5:45:44 am Tri'Moon Panthers
cubbear Brune ZiffLovelace 5:44:54 am Tri'Moon Panthers
cubbear Brune ZiffLovelace 5:44:06 am Tri'Moon Panthers

UltraVixen Bellic (BLACKWOOD) cubbear Brune (BLACKWOOD) 9:50:46 pm Port Cos

cubbear Brune (City of Port Cos) Celine Lynwood (BLACKWOOD) 5:04:20 pm Port Cos
cubbear Brune (City of Port Cos) Celine Lynwood (BLACKWOOD) 5:01:36 pm Port Cos

cubbear Brune (City of Port Cos) ChrissyCheress Nandahar 6:46:49 am City of Port Cos

cubbear Brune (City of Port Cos) EveGalardo 8:45:01 pm City of Port Cos
cubbear Brune (City of Port Cos) iseeeyou 8:42:01 pm City of Port Cos
cubbear Brune ChrissyCheress Nandahar 4:49:32 am Secret Bay
cubbear Brune ChrissyCheress Nandahar 4:45:48 am Secret Bay
cubbear Brune ChrissyCheress Nandahar 4:43:57 am Secret Bay
cubbear Brune ChrissyCheress Nandahar 4:36:50 am Secret Bay

cubbear Brune (City of Port Cos) DanteBryce 8:16:09 pm Port Cos
Zane Kanze cubbear Brune (City of Port Cos) 8:15:03 pm Port Cos
cubbear Brune (City of Port Cos) Zane Kanze 8:14:55 pm Port Cos
UltraVixen Bellic cubbear Brune (City of Port Cos) 8:14:10 pm Port Cos
UltraVixen Bellic cubbear Brune (City of Port Cos) 8:12:31 pm Port Cos

cubbear Brune (City of Port Cos) jasallan 7:01:27 pm City of Port Cos
cubbear Brune jasallan 6:48:17 pm City of Port Cos
cubbear Brune taylorerdrich 6:06:53 pm Secret Paradise
cubbear Brune taylorerdrich 6:05:33 pm Secret Paradise
cubbear Brune (City of Port Cos) OoneTwoO 1:08:15 pm City of Port Cos
cubbear Brune (City of Port Cos) OoneTwoO 1:05:22 pm City of Port Cos
cubbear Brune OoneTwoO 7:14:10 am Valkyrie Forest
cubbear Brune OoneTwoO 7:13:25 am Valkyrie Forest
cubbear Brune OoneTwoO 7:11:42 am Valkyrie Forest

Esteban Shippe cubbear Brune 3:37:31 pm Valkyrie Forest
ThaddeusV cubbear Brune 3:35:10 pm Valkyrie Forest

Estarra Daines cubbear Brune 12:39:02 pm Valkyrie Forest
Estarra Daines cubbear Brune 12:36:08 pm Valkyrie Forest