asylum Bandit



Registered 2017-07-20 00:54:51
K/D 1:3.14
Binds 1:3.33
Bandages N/A


------------------------ I am never OOC.
░████░░████░ Don't kill my vibe. Don't touch my weave.
░█░░█░░█░░░░ I will walk away from excessive OOC.


Port Kar BTB


  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



asylum Bandit (Port Kar) Dregan Renfold 12:55:50 pm Port Kar

asylum Bandit (Port Kar) Dregan Renfold 6:40:56 am Port Kar

EzraElusive asylum Bandit (Port Kar) 1:24:26 pm Port Kar

pyxistyx (City of Venna) asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 1:34:11 pm The Chemist
asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Abir Helendale (Ravensvik) 1:31:42 pm The Chemist

asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Davryntri Zabelin (Skol) 4:02:09 pm Skol
asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Djinn Christensen 4:01:41 pm Skol

MissSayuri (Skol) asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 12:50:37 pm Skol

Xander Sleydon asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 7:07:27 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
Xander Sleydon asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 7:05:50 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor

asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Dalarian Jupiter 8:05:20 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor

Dashaun Holt (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 3:13:01 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
Dashaun Holt (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 3:08:16 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) raidersboy (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 10:41:41 am Tamber Gulf
asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) raidersboy (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 10:40:15 am Tamber Gulf
Harry Horchester (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 10:39:13 am Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Harry Horchester (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 10:38:51 am Port Kar - Raiders of Gor

Alexi Mistwalker asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 1:39:19 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
Alexi Mistwalker asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 1:38:10 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor

asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Mustadio Gans 7:56:04 pm Sardar Fair

raidersboy (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 1:35:23 pm Jad, Isle of Cos

asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Valan Wolfzahn (Tamber Island) 6:28:39 pm Lydius
asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) Blair Talaj (Forests of Gor - BtB Outpost & Dani's Band & Gazette Office) 6:24:07 pm Lydius

Victor Warilard asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 5:43:28 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
Akylass asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 5:38:57 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor

iseeyoub4 asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 12:42:11 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
iseeyoub4 asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 12:39:15 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
iseeyoub4 asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 12:37:37 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor

Marky Mumblewood asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 9:18:16 am Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
Marky Mumblewood asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 9:05:58 am Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
Marky Mumblewood asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 9:01:35 am Port Kar - Raiders of Gor

Dalarian Jupiter asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 11:01:39 am Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
Dalarian Jupiter asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 10:57:05 am Port Kar - Raiders of Gor

avatarsyndrome asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 10:03:37 am Port Kar - Raiders of Gor
avatarsyndrome asylum Bandit (Port Kar - Raiders of Gor) 10:00:26 am Port Kar - Raiders of Gor