Zenith Galaxy

Zenith Princess


Registered 2018-02-09 06:10:07
Binds N/A
Bandages N/A

Zenith Galaxy

* I am back in school, often I am not here while my avi is up.If you see her in bed, I am afk*
Yes, I know I have not been around,for about 11 days, very busy inrl. Don't you just love it when someone ays that but is on all day long? Not me, just..-others-

Stolen from Bear~"I've probably forgotten more RP than you'll ever write."

IC Story-
Zenith was a cherished only child, stolen when her father was an Ambassor,traveling in the service of his city. Assasination of her parents sent her on a journey where she was fostered.
Now, on her own, using wit and aplumb to sustain her, Zenith prospered outside of the mountain fortress of Treve where she was born and raised to be a proud bandit princess of that city. Never forgetting her father's last words, "Civitas Treve"Now in the CIty of Telnus, her new home, a new guardian, -maybe-


Zenith Galaxy does not belong to any groups.


  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Heavy Pockets
    Those are quite the heavy pockets. (100xp)



Kosomot Czartza Zenith Galaxy 8:09:02 pm Summer Cove
Kosomot Czartza Zenith Galaxy 8:06:15 pm Summer Cove
Kosomot Czartza Zenith Galaxy 8:02:59 pm Summer Cove
Kosomot Czartza Zenith Galaxy 7:42:52 pm Summer Cove
Kosomot Czartza Zenith Galaxy 7:42:10 pm Summer Cove
Kosomot Czartza Zenith Galaxy 7:41:25 pm Summer Cove

Vulfsige Zenith Galaxy 10:17:37 pm Cupid
Vulfsige Zenith Galaxy 10:14:31 pm Cupid

Kosomot Czartza Zenith Galaxy 6:41:44 pm Treve and Minus
Kosomot Czartza Zenith Galaxy 6:40:48 pm Treve and Minus

Rask Towton Zenith Galaxy 8:42:55 pm Sons of Torvald
Rask Towton Zenith Galaxy 8:38:13 pm Sons of Torvald
Rask Towton Zenith Galaxy 8:30:38 pm Sons of Torvald

Drowning Zenith Galaxy 1:59:24 pm Sea Warrior
Drowning Zenith Galaxy 1:53:54 pm Sea Warrior
Drowning Zenith Galaxy 1:48:17 pm Sea Warrior
Drowning Zenith Galaxy 1:42:54 pm Sea Warrior
Drowning Zenith Galaxy 1:37:24 pm Sea Warrior
Drowning Zenith Galaxy 1:31:54 pm Sea Warrior