Lady Lilly Sands Congo King
Owner of BizaarLilly.
My character is a rich merchant of Gor. I rarely fight, except with daggers and poison pins. I've lived in many cities for over 17 years. Torvaldsland is my home, but the Tahari is my family. I currently live at Oasis of Tashid with them. Cap me its for 1 hour and you will deal with the blood crazed mad Torvie Edheart my protector in rp who will hunt you down to get me back and will not take you as a prisoner! I do not Webcam or voice. I am GMT. See picks.
Proud parent of my twins Svein Cirdan & Aeliana Elynea
Currently on my chain Saphira.
BizaarLilly is on SL Marketplace check for new creations weekly and see picks.