Varndavar Magic



Registered 2020-12-20 17:58:18
K/D 2:1
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In the ancient way of the warrior, Sol Invictus.
Isles of LarTorvis. The Archepelago at Worlds End.
☠㊊☠ Commander of New Varn. ☠㊊☠
☠㊊☠ Acting Administrator. ☠㊊☠
☠㊊☠ Commander of LarTorvis ☠㊊☠
An ancient belief from LarTorvis -"that to cause no offense is the best defense" "The point of the law is not law, but good. But there are many goods, and what may be good for one may not be good for another. And what is perceived as good may be good but may not be good " ...Codes of Scribes. "Seize reality he said "that is enough.
" Few" I said "would grant that that is enough" Warriors.
"one who leads by example, not just rules by dictate. To go first, openly, in transparency, not only offering ones true face to be seen, but to encourage it, and make it beautiful and brave and kind.when able, and frightful and strong and imutable when not. This is good leadership. This is beauty in action. The Source, the Flow, and the Way of Things. Sol Ara Utu." book of Varn.
Leader of the Sect that worshipes the Sun, Varn is dedicated to the truth.
"Oddly enough, one of the expressions in the tongue of GOR for our sun was Lar-Torvis, which means The Central Fire, another Pythagorean expression, The more common expression for the sun was Tor tu Gor or "Light upon the Homestone" Tarnsman "I think" he said "there are countries on no map, countries of possiblity countries of the heart, countries very real that we will never understand": Warriors

My mother was an Earth born nurse so called "barbarian" and my Father a Physican in Ar who bought her, freed and companioned her.They were both killed so I left my physicians training and left Ar. I became a warrior merchant with physicians training and knowledge. I can read and write and I think I know everything because I probably do. LarTorvis in SL since 2008.1st read Tarnsman of Gor in 1974. Have all books legally . have read them all #1-38 RP prefer local IC RP over IM's. Loves sparring. Knows how to hit the ground ass first.

"slaps her back a bit hard "I am happy with you slave girl. I am not flattering you with my words here. I can have my builders make a city like Varn, or the shipright Zandar a thousand ships. I can comission arteisiens from all over Gor for statues and busts, mine for marble and gold. I can not however, make a you" looks deep into those open eyes, seeing his own reflection looking back at him. "you please me girl, in ways I did not know I could be pleased."
Varn theme:



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)




Varndavar Magic (City of Varn) astarlightshadow (The Lost City) 8:13:49 am City of Varn

Varndavar Magic SERUS2 6:27:06 pm City of Varn
Varndavar Magic SERUS2 6:25:34 pm City of Varn

Drowning Varndavar Magic 5:01:50 pm City of Varn

Varndavar Magic MeganBlue 2:04:30 pm City of Varn
Varndavar Magic MeganBlue 1:55:43 pm City of Varn

rubenyosef47 Varndavar Magic 12:49:59 am The Lost City