Tula Bouscario

Carmen Getit


Registered 2018-10-16 22:30:49
K/D 1:1
Binds N/A
Bandages N/A


Born into a family of spice and herbal traders supplying fragrant luxuries to the baths of Venna, the Boustella sisters’ fortunes take a swift nosedive when their father bets it all on a bad hand of Kaissa and ends up, well... dead! Their mother, not one to be outdone by tragedy, promptly succumbs to "the fever" (which may or may not have been code for sheer despair).

Enter Uncle Zad, a one-legged Tarnsman with a questionable moral compass and an even more questionable plan. Under Zad's dubious "care" and "protection," the family business spirals faster than a Tarn in a thunderstorm. With debts piling higher than the herbs in their warehouse, Zad proclaims that they must pack up and start fresh in the city of Turmus. For reasons only he can explain, he changes their last name to Bouscario, perhaps in the hopes creditors can't spell.

The sisters grow up, their childhood dreams of respectable matches dashed under Zad’s towering shadow of debauchery. He spends most days drinking, humping (who knows what or whom), and generally avoiding anything that requires sunlight or sobriety. Left to their own devices, the sisters diversify their trade into creative sidelines: soothsaying, dubious "readings," and the sale of some recreational herbs that, oddly, become very popular at poetry readings.

Their reputation, however, becomes the real casualty. Every suitor with half a brain flees at the mention of Zad, the infamous one-legged uncle whose antics are now legend across the Vosk. The sisters can only hope that someday, somehow, someone might see past the tarnished Bouscario name and appreciate their... entrepreneurial spirit.


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Tula Bouscario TiraBouscario 1:14:29 am City of Turmus
Tula Bouscario TiraBouscario 1:10:45 am City of Turmus

Talu Bouscario Tula Bouscario 3:21:23 am Port of Brundisium
Drowning Tula Bouscario 3:17:49 am Port of Brundisium