Tindrala Boucher

Tania Lioheart


Registered 2019-09-15 03:00:59
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Tindrala Boucher

Hi i am from uk i been in sl many years time fly when ahve fun i have dont alot here played gore for many years i also have played ohter rp sims around my first was point harbour super heroine sim after that i played many years in hayao also heroine sim i have been around and explore and i love it . My story start in a game far far away in a game called world of war craft a friend of mine said i should check out secondlife so i did and i got traped and played for many years

Tania was know as the Butcher as she was a cruel war Queen before she Qonquer many city´s villiges and she loved power. her evil laugh could been heared in the battlefield. in the last war Tania got feelings for a young villiger and she could not understand her feelings. she leave the life as a war Queen but if anyone reconise her she will be in danger.


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jenna Teplicki Tindrala Boucher 4:55:42 am Yggdrasil-Forbidden Fa...