Thyri Ravenwood

Free Woman


Registered 2024-02-19 16:53:50
Binds N/A
Bandages N/A

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All is but dust, and to dust we return: Thyri of the Varnas knows this well and embraces it, knowing too that only God brings eternal life. Beset by revelations and gowned in omens, Thyri walks the mysterious ways of the Lord's path across the savage realm of Gor.

Drawn by divine visions and inspired by the gospel of Christ, Thyri spreads His faith from homestone to homestone, teaching the virtues of material surrender. Spectacular and sublime, cryptic and compassionate, she draws the eye and ear in the effort of giving them the good news of their salvation.

Golden in her adornments, humble in her heart, Thyri of the Varnas kneels only to the Lord. Above the petty imperial games of Priest King against Kur against Northman, she knows she's devoted to the one, true winner: Jesus Christ.



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