Tara Applemoor

*** T *** Assistant Scribe Daughter of Ishtar


Registered 2020-08-14 11:58:46
Binds N/A
Bandages N/A

Tara Trrrol

A sweet but somewhat naive woman. She frequently gets off the bus at the wrong stops and is foolish enough to not get right back on again. This often gets her into situations that she finds challenging and sometimes uncomfortable.

Tara is intent on saving the world, one individual at a time and is slowly working her way through the population, not having any idea of the futility of her efforts.



  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



Victor Centaur Tara Applemoor 12:46:14 pm Gates of Ishtar

Victor Centaur Tara Applemoor 11:46:52 am Gates of Ishtar

Pegasus Firehawk Tara Applemoor (Four Palms) 7:37:07 pm The Tuchuk Tribe & Hun...
Pegasus Firehawk Tara Applemoor (Four Palms) 7:34:48 pm The Tuchuk Tribe & Hun...

ShayLoganPaine Tara Applemoor 10:34:28 pm Genesian Port
ShayLoganPaine Tara Applemoor 10:31:45 pm Genesian Port

Scribe Akros Tara Applemoor 1:52:18 am Talender Moon
Scribe Akros Tara Applemoor 1:50:27 am Talender Moon

FrankAlAawar Mysterious Tara Applemoor 5:27:02 am Talender Moon & Black ...
Kati Blackwood Tara Applemoor 5:21:20 am Talender Moon & Black ...