Suma Janus



Registered 2017-05-21 22:05:18
K/D 5:1
Binds 1:1.5
Bandages 1:1.2


Merchant with trade stations in the north and the south
Specialty is salt from Tahari, black beans from Thentis.

Used to be Master of The Great Caravan that traveled across Gor. Maybe it will start up again one day, but for now I plan to earn a considerable amount of gold by running a less than orthodox business.

If you love gold and have some business ideas - We may have a future together. I will respect merchant law and Gorean male honor - nothing else.


Suma Janus does not belong to any groups.


  • Banker
    You're now officially the elite. (100xp)
  • Heavy Pockets
    Those are quite the heavy pockets. (100xp)
  • Heavy Saver
    I'll keep that safe for you, promise. (25xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



Suma Janus (Olni) MeiYuki Suisei (Gor) 4:33:03 pm Olni towards the Sarda...

merahj Columbia (Rorus) Suma Janus (Olni towards the Sardar Mountains) 3:33:01 pm Villa of Dreams

Suma Janus (Olni towards the Sardar Mountains) merahj Columbia (Rorus) 3:43:27 pm Olni

merahj Columbia (Rorus) Suma Janus (Olni towards the Sardar Mountains) 3:19:42 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor

merahj Columbia (Rorus) Suma Janus 3:32:51 pm Port Kar - Raiders of Gor

Victor Warilard Suma Janus 5:04:20 pm Port Kar

merahj Columbia Suma Janus 4:28:18 pm Genesian Port

merahj Columbia Suma Janus 4:08:51 pm Khalida Town
merahj Columbia Suma Janus 4:07:50 pm Khalida Town

merahj Columbia Suma Janus 3:36:38 pm Besnit
merahj Columbia Suma Janus 3:35:54 pm Besnit
Suma Janus Suma Janus 3:31:22 pm Besnit
Suma Janus Suma Janus 3:21:31 pm Besnit

Suma Janus merahj Columbia 3:52:53 pm Besnit
Suma Janus merahj Columbia 3:51:10 pm Besnit
Suma Janus merahj Columbia 3:48:45 pm Besnit
Suma Janus merahj Columbia 3:47:58 pm Besnit
Suma Janus merahj Columbia 3:44:41 pm Besnit
Suma Janus merahj Columbia 3:39:30 pm Besnit
Suma Janus merahj Columbia 3:36:22 pm Besnit
Suma Janus merahj Columbia 3:34:54 pm Besnit