
~Stål BloodAxe~ ~Ulfheonar~


Registered 2017-08-06 23:15:34
K/D 1:1.64
Binds 1.8:1
Bandages 1:3


In Gor I am a warrior of the north, leader of the of the Rjodr Skjoldr (Red Shields). I have roamed many lands in Gor but always come home to Torvaldsland. I am old in the ways of Gor. I do not tolerate those who act as if the "world revolves around them". Once I accept you as my friend I will keep true to that friendship. Unless you are less then honest and dishonorable, you will find friendship is a two way road. " Blood and Honor". I am chieftain of the Dark Rune Fjord (Dark Rune Outpost) and HeimFjord, come visit and see the wild Gor. Our land is on the boarder of the Forest and Torvaldsland.


Stal8450 does not belong to any groups.


  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)



Stal8450 LeonKalpa 1:09:58 pm HeimFjord Village

Johncoffee (Skol) Stal8450 12:41:40 pm Starlight Station

Stal8450 lifestyle3 12:10:16 pm Starlight Station
Stal8450 lifestyle3 12:09:54 pm Starlight Station

Stal8450 lifestyle3 2:38:16 pm Starlight Station
Stal8450 lifestyle3 2:35:58 pm Starlight Station
Stal8450 lifestyle3 2:30:17 pm Starlight Station
Stal8450 lifestyle3 2:28:12 pm Starlight Station

Falling Stal8450 2:03:57 pm Misty Paradise

Ezio Sabretooth (Rorus) Stal8450 (Runefalls Honor) 2:16:14 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
Ezio Sabretooth (Rorus) Stal8450 (Runefalls Honor) 2:12:54 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern

Stal8450 (Runefalls Honor) JasonVonDam 11:22:43 am Runefalls Honor
Stal8450 (Runefalls Honor) JasonVonDam 11:20:03 am Runefalls Honor

Stal8450 Natalie Blakewell 6:07:19 am Dark Rune Outpost

Senthroth Stal8450 2:31:47 pm Runefalls Honor

Stal8450 Koshka Kira 1:34:58 pm Dark Rune Outpost

RowinNights Stal8450 3:30:43 pm Runefalls Honor

Stal8450 Afya Salamander 2:56:40 pm Dark Rune Outpost

Stal8450 Something Wicken 4:32:56 pm City of Thentis

Stal8450 Shaman Calcutt 4:25:26 pm Dark Rune Outpost

iseeeyou Stal8450 5:44:02 am Runefalls Honor

Stal8450 EveGalardo 6:59:51 am Dark Rune Outpost
Stal8450 EveGalardo 6:57:26 am Dark Rune Outpost
Stal8450 CupcakeMageee 6:15:59 am Dark Rune Outpost

Wolfbjorn Stal8450 9:47:46 am Runefalls Honor
iseeeyou Stal8450 9:42:46 am Runefalls Honor

Stal8450 Brynnae 8:26:58 am Dark Rune Outpost

RomanReignsJr Stal8450 2:44:32 pm Besnit
RomanReignsJr Stal8450 2:20:59 pm Runefalls Honor
Stal8450 Stal8450 2:15:27 pm Runefalls Honor
Senthroth Stal8450 2:12:55 pm Runefalls Honor

BOOZEDD Stal8450 1:42:32 pm Runefalls Honor

MerrekOreilly Stal8450 2:23:47 pm Runefalls Honor
MerrekOreilly Stal8450 2:14:25 pm Runefalls Honor
Storm2222 Stal8450 2:11:51 pm Runefalls Honor