Spinaker Avro



Registered 2017-12-09 20:52:19
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Spinaker Avro

Pacha of Red Rock, Adopted father of Sig (married now). Sim owner of Red Rock Oasis. I am gay, sorry girls and yes i love Youssou, any problem?
2023: Spin is back, he lives now in the Oasis of Red Rock as Pasha. BG: Son of Ba'Arub, the Tashid commander of the time Ba’Arub died on the shelf of red stone, with 10 men, trying to reach Hammaran.This was the Battle of Oasis of Red Rock. Since this day, Tashids are vassals of Aretais and Spin left this oasis.
He became a taharian nomad. After many years, PK called him after the die of Ibn Saran for running Klima. He became Salt Ubar of Gor and Pasha of Klima. Founding member of the South Trade Alliance. He left Klima and came back to the Oasis of Red Rock after the die of Turem a' Din. Since this day, Tashids are no more vassals of aretais and this great oasis is again independant.
Pic made by Conde de Seixas (joaopedro.oh), the sexiest photographier of SL
FC of Youssou, Master of Drake


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Spinaker Avro Spinaker Avro 12:59:45 pm KYME

Spinaker Avro MolorChayoo (Forest of Axe) 12:26:04 pm Cupid