Sonia Benazzi

~ Sonia ~


Registered 2022-04-11 14:21:17
Binds N/A
Bandages N/A

Sonia Benazzi

French & English

What RP I can do :

- Long term roleplayer curious ready to explore all ways about role plays.

- Short ERP even hard


  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



Sonia Benazzi graliron 7:39:41 am Hidden Forest
Sonia Benazzi graliron 7:38:00 am Hidden Forest
Sonia Benazzi graliron 7:37:05 am Hidden Forest

Sonia Benazzi (The Pirate Counter on Shaba Forest's Lake (Schendi)) SkydreamsFr (The Pirate Counter on Shaba Forest's Lake (Schendi)) 9:50:37 am Fake Univers
Sonia Benazzi (The Pirate Counter on Shaba Forest's Lake (Schendi)) SkydreamsFr (The Pirate Counter on Shaba Forest's Lake (Schendi)) 9:49:30 am Fake Univers

VernaFrance Resident (The Pirate Counter on Shaba Forest's Lake (Schendi)) Sonia Benazzi (The Pirate Counter on Shaba Forest's Lake (Schendi)) 7:41:38 am Fake Univers
VernaFrance Resident (The Pirate Counter on Shaba Forest's Lake (Schendi)) Sonia Benazzi (The Pirate Counter on Shaba Forest's Lake (Schendi)) 7:39:53 am Fake Univers
VernaFrance Resident (The Pirate Counter on Shaba Forest's Lake (Schendi)) Sonia Benazzi (The Pirate Counter on Shaba Forest's Lake (Schendi)) 7:36:21 am Fake Univers
VernaFrance Resident (The Pirate Counter on Shaba Forest's Lake (Schendi)) Sonia Benazzi (The Pirate Counter on Shaba Forest's Lake (Schendi)) 7:33:51 am Fake Univers