Samlas Andel

JIGΛЯ •┈┈┈┈•


Registered 2019-05-09 21:45:03
K/D 1:1
Binds 1:1
Bandages N/A


Owned in the other world by Aegeus Basil.

In Gor owned by the House of Meadra
Unrestricted Male Pleasure Slave
Skilled Fighting Slave
Trained Avdanced Infirmary Slave

Hapilly Married IRL to Apollo Basil.


Samlas Andel does not belong to any groups.


Samlas Andel has not earned any achievements.



Celipia Resident Samlas Andel 12:44:25 pm City of Esalinus
Celipia Resident Samlas Andel 12:42:38 pm City of Esalinus
Celipia Resident Samlas Andel 12:41:16 pm City of Esalinus
Celipia Resident Samlas Andel 12:39:37 pm City of Esalinus

CaydenBarin Samlas Andel 1:19:53 pm City of Esalinus

Samlas Andel CaydenBarin 2:25:12 am City of Esalinus

AegeusBasil Samlas Andel 2:40:59 am City of Esalinus
Samlas Andel CaydenBarin 2:36:31 am City of Esalinus
AegeusBasil Samlas Andel 2:35:20 am City of Esalinus
Celipita Samlas Andel 2:34:01 am City of Esalinus
Samlas Andel CaydenBarin 2:23:29 am City of Esalinus