Sable Greenwood



Registered 2022-03-24 07:18:54
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Sable Greenwood If my IM'S get shared I will file a TOS.

✅Crazy Bish👉 Mother, My Son is Salty Skully, Daughter Winnie (windelltwoshoes)
I live by a code of honor and loyalty, if you know nothing of this stroll on by. No polly. No open.

The winds of Gor blew fiercely on the day of of my birth, welcoming me into a life of freedom. Born in the frozen lands of the north, I was raised to be wild and untamed, with no chains or restrictions to hold me back. But the pull of adventure was strong, and I left behind the mundane life of an Ubara to set sail on the open seas. Alongside me, my sister and brother, I embraced the life of a pirate, always seeking new horizons and daring exploits. As I sailed from port to port, I amassed a crew of loyal friends and family members – for once I loved someone, their status as Panther, slave or Free holds no weight in my heart. To me, they are all equals, united by bonds forged on perilous seas.
In the land of Valkyrie, where the frost meets the forest, I have found my way back to the roots that once cradled me. The sea’s embrace has released me, and I stand now upon lands of Vaklyrie, a Panther among my kin. My sisters, fierce and proud, stand with me, our bond unbroken by time and tide.
In the shadow of Odin’s watchful gaze, we stand united, a fortress of spirits bound by the oath of the ancients. Our loyalty to one another is as steadfast as the mountains of Midgard, unyielding in the face of adversity. We defend our kin and our creed with the ferocity of the wolf and the wisdom of the raven.
Together, we are a tapestry woven with the threads of fidelity; each of us a strand stronger for the others. In the halls of Valkyrie, our voices rise in unison, a chorus of defiance and devotion. We fight not just with the strength of arms, but with the bond of brotherhood and sisterhood that no blade can sever.
Under the banner of the Valkyrie, our camaraderie is our shield, our honor is our sword. With the spirit of Odin to guide us, we stand as one—indomitable, unconquerable, and eternal.

👉👉 Stop breaking yourself down into bite sized pieces to serve others , let them fucking choke! I'm both, Hellfire and Holy Water. The flavor you taste depends on how you approach me.



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