
~ ƦɎȺƝ ~


Registered 2019-01-09 10:15:45
K/D 2.35:1
Binds 2.78:1
Bandages 1:1.28


Just trying....
[https://flic.kr/ps/2ZXe4n Flicker]

I need new HATERS! The old ones became my FANS.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ok8vsBL2ts0 Has major commitment problem. relationship doesn't last more than a night.
*I change partners like I change my underwear.*

If you IM me OOC then I have the right to share it with others for admin purpose

RH Motors - I built D2 cars

I AM STRAIGHT.... Thanks for your understanding



  • Long Way Down
    Gravity's a bitch. (50xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) rubenyosef47 (Gates of Despair) 1:16:19 pm Village of Gimli
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) Quinttin (Gates of Despair) 1:05:42 pm Siba
Quinttin (Gates of Despair) RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) 1:05:36 pm Siba
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) shadarDeSub (Gates of Despair) 1:03:14 pm Siba
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) shadarDeSub (Gates of Despair) 1:02:32 pm Siba
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) Latuss (Gates of Despair) 1:00:41 pm Siba
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) boundtight (Topanga Canyon) 12:59:27 pm Siba
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) shadarDeSub (Gates of Despair) 12:57:31 pm Siba
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) boundtight (Topanga Canyon) 12:56:48 pm Siba
shadarDeSub (Gates of Despair) RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) 12:56:03 pm Siba
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) shadarDeSub (Gates of Despair) 12:55:56 pm Siba

Latuss (Gates of Despair) RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) 10:46:00 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Latuss (Gates of Despair) RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) 10:45:16 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Falling RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) 10:42:39 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers
Latuss (Gates of Despair) RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) 10:41:39 am Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers

RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) Balrogh 1:15:13 pm Gates of Despair
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) freespirit Hancroft 1:14:53 pm Gates of Despair
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) zabeya (The Lakes) 1:13:35 pm Gates of Despair
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) tricky222 (Blackwater Mers) 1:13:30 pm Gates of Despair
Knight Chemistry (Gates of Despair) RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) 1:09:10 pm Gates of Despair
Knight Chemistry (Gates of Despair) RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) 1:08:02 pm Gates of Despair
tricky222 (Blackwater Mers) RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) 1:04:50 pm Gates of Despair
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) nono2613amidala Citron 1:04:42 pm Gates of Despair
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) Alexposition 1:04:27 pm Gates of Despair
Knight Chemistry (Gates of Despair) RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) 1:02:28 pm Gates of Despair
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) Latuss (Gates of Despair) 1:01:51 pm Gates of Despair
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) Knight Chemistry (Gates of Despair) 12:59:18 pm Gates of Despair
OneDaringAlicia (Gates of Despair) RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) 12:58:37 pm Gates of Despair
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) shadarDeSub (Gates of Despair) 12:55:39 pm Gates of Despair
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) OneDaringAlicia (Gates of Despair) 12:54:21 pm Gates of Despair
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) silva1963 5:37:36 am Topanga Canyon
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) silva1963 5:36:14 am Topanga Canyon
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) silva1963 5:35:02 am Topanga Canyon

RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) RH09152333 10:16:12 pm Gates of Despair
RyanHossain (Gates of Despair) RH09152333 10:14:11 pm Gates of Despair