Neve Maruti



Registered 2017-09-12 12:22:14
Binds 1:1.5
Bandages N/A


" A free woman is inordinately precious.She is a thousand times,and more,above a mere slave."
Players of Gor,Page92
"It is slaves who are assessed and have prices. Free women are priceless."(Kajira of Gor,p97)
"It is pleasant to take a proud free woman and teach her her womanhood."(Vagabonds of Gor,p.58)
"On Gor it is said that free women are slaves who have not yet been collared."(Magicians of Gor, p22)
"A Gorean saying came to mind,that the free woman is a riddle, the answer is the collar"(Magicians of Gor, p22) "

"A woman , I had learned, must choose between freedom and love." (Slave Girl of Gor, p.412)


Neve Maruti does not belong to any groups.


Neve Maruti has not earned any achievements.



Neve Maruti Neve Maruti 4:11:07 am HeimFjord Village

masterperry Neve Maruti 3:57:53 am Port Kar

lentisca Resident Neve Maruti 2:46:06 pm Mirkwood Bay
lentisca Resident Neve Maruti 2:45:11 pm Mirkwood Bay

Marsha Kappler Neve Maruti 4:21:33 pm Port Kar - Reign of th...
CaptnSave Aho Neve Maruti 4:19:46 pm Port Kar - Reign of th...

Neve Maruti Neve Maruti 12:24:53 am The Market of Semris
Neve Maruti Neve Maruti 12:24:13 am The Market of Semris

Neve Maruti Neve Maruti 11:44:06 pm The Market of Semris
Neve Maruti Neve Maruti 11:41:38 pm The Market of Semris

Neve Maruti Neve Maruti 9:30:39 pm The Market of Semris

Haldurus Neve Maruti 8:48:22 am Njordheim
Haldurus Neve Maruti 8:47:10 am Njordheim