
Peyton Skovgard


Registered 2021-11-22 04:24:46
K/D 1:1.19
Binds 3:1
Bandages 2:1

Peyton Skovgard

Heres how its gonna play out, i don't give a flying fuck what people think about me , thats their opinion , opinions are like ass holes everyone is gonna have them , Its up to me to decide who ill listen too and who not , so go fly a fucking kite get your kicks else where as im not the bitch you want to fuck with IM HERE FOR MY SL NOT YOU OR ANYONE ELSE so kick rocks my give a damn is busted but my go fuck yourself button works perfectly THIS IS TO WHOM EVER THINKS ITS TOWARDS THEM BY MY GUEST AND SIT DOWN ILL GET TO YOUR COMPLAINT WHEN I CAN THANK YOU HAVE A GREAT FUCK YOURSELF DAY



  • Chicken
    That reset button has a cost. (-300xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)
  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)



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Masonbane213 (Bright Moon) Draconius Hendes (Hangover Bay) 6:14:02 pm Hangover Bay
Masonbane213 (Bright Moon) Draconius Hendes (Hangover Bay) 6:12:40 pm Hangover Bay
Masonbane213 (Bright Moon) Draconius Hendes (Hangover Bay) 6:11:29 pm Hangover Bay
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