
Captured Region Date
muschi Citron Belnend 2025·01·12 1:18:14 pm
erika Menna Belnend 2025·01·12 1:17:43 pm
serenade666 Lost Ruins of Schendi 2025·01·04 1:06:37 pm
muschi Citron Lost Ruins of Schendi 2025·01·04 1:03:30 pm
erika Menna Lost Ruins of Schendi 2025·01·04 1:01:25 pm
EveGalardo Black Corsairs 2024·12·04 2:24:42 pm
Ayana Convair Lost Ruins of Schendi 2024·11·20 8:33:24 am
Poldor Valkyrie Forest 2024·11·17 1:36:40 pm
Kity Elan Lost Ruins of Schendi 2024·11·16 5:58:08 am
Petara Meads Lost Ruins of Schendi 2024·05·19 1:54:43 pm


Attacker Region Date
Drowning Port Pa-Kur / Horn Gill BTB GOR 2024·11·26 1:18:34 am
NoirDesir99 Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers 2024·11·20 12:22:09 pm
Olones Buccaneer Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers 2024·11·20 12:15:49 pm
PixelPrincess95 Sa'ng Gretuk Panthers 2024·11·20 12:10:43 pm
Panula Lost Ruins of Schendi 2024·05·19 2:13:06 pm
Adaginna Voxel Valkyrie Forest 2024·05·19 12:30:11 pm
rainysky Secret Bay 2024·05·01 7:47:53 am
EveGalardo Valkyrie Forest 2024·05·01 2:15:05 am
Sionese Valkyrie Forest 2024·05·01 2:12:55 am
KelseyWelch Secret Bay 2024·04·28 11:08:40 am


Bound Region Date
EveGalardo Black Corsairs 2024·12·04 2:27:30 pm
Kity Elan Lost Ruins of Schendi 2024·11·16 5:59:33 am
Zac Rishmal Noddfa Village 2024·05·13 12:53:46 pm
Sionese Valkyrie Forest 2024·05·01 2:30:46 am
Sionese Valkyrie Forest 2024·04·26 2:43:58 am
Sionese Lost Ruins of Schendi 2024·04·24 10:18:07 am
Elkwun Siba 2024·04·21 2:50:58 pm
Wiske2012 Secret Bay 2024·04·21 5:51:52 am
Sandorabox Secret Bay 2024·04·21 5:44:29 am
SparkyQueen1 Valkyrie Forest 2024·04·20 5:53:09 am


Binder Region Date
Panula Lost Ruins of Schendi 2024·05·19 2:15:24 pm
Sionese Valkyrie Forest 2024·05·01 2:14:30 am
KelseyWelch Secret Bay 2024·04·28 11:10:21 am
Petara Meads Lost Ruins of Schendi 2024·04·27 3:55:30 am
EveGalardo Valkyrie Forest 2024·04·26 10:22:16 am
Adaginna Voxel Lost Ruins of Schendi 2024·04·24 10:20:16 am
Elkwun Topanga Canyon 2024·04·21 3:00:50 pm
devotina32 Black Corsairs 2024·04·14 10:49:55 am
chrystal Melody Belnend 2023·07·24 12:14:23 pm


Region Date
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Killer Victim Date
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