
Kjettil Frostvale


Registered 2017-07-22 16:02:29
K/D 1:5.5
Binds 1:6.5
Bandages 1.29:1

Knox Maverick

Hello!Feel free to IM me—I don't bite! I'm very friendly.


  • Homebound
    You now have somewhere to call home. (25xp)
  • Heavy Saver
    I'll keep that safe for you, promise. (25xp)
  • Waterlogged
    You're now one with the fish. (25xp)



MajedSaleh12 (Mildrheimr of Skjern) Am Demina 12:10:07 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern

RudolphBrecth MajedSaleh12 (Mildrheimr of Skjern) 11:29:22 am Mildrheimr of Skjern

MajedSaleh12 Euternity 10:49:14 am Mildrheimr of Skjern
MajedSaleh12 Euternity 10:47:06 am Mildrheimr of Skjern

Perathis MajedSaleh12 12:57:13 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
Perathis MajedSaleh12 12:55:36 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern

GunnarrForkbeard (Mildrheimr of Skjern) MajedSaleh12 12:36:36 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
Hwanhu MajedSaleh12 12:34:12 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern

Eduard Raynier MajedSaleh12 10:24:16 am Bergvik

VulgamCeralus MajedSaleh12 1:25:15 am Mildrheimr of Skjern

JackThorton MajedSaleh12 3:16:13 pm Sais Village
JackThorton MajedSaleh12 3:14:07 pm Sais Village

AeviAkkeri MajedSaleh12 11:46:40 am City of Esalinus
EntropyS MajedSaleh12 11:42:11 am City of Esalinus

MajedSaleh12 Ross Brougham (Mildrheimr of Skjern) 11:46:32 am Genesian Port

VulgamCeralus MajedSaleh12 12:27:26 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern

Sholto Zero (City of Tarnburg) MajedSaleh12 2:40:43 pm The City of Hochburg
MajedSaleh12 WhosYour Daddy 2:20:30 pm The City of Hochburg
Sigma Rizzler MajedSaleh12 2:18:21 pm The City of Hochburg
Rask Afarensis MajedSaleh12 2:13:56 pm The City of Hochburg
Johnnie Wonder MajedSaleh12 2:12:42 pm The City of Hochburg
Johnnie Wonder MajedSaleh12 2:12:22 pm The City of Hochburg
WhosYour Daddy MajedSaleh12 2:11:06 pm The City of Hochburg
SonOfFenrir (City of Tarnburg) MajedSaleh12 12:14:42 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
SonOfFenrir (City of Tarnburg) MajedSaleh12 12:10:10 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
MajedSaleh12 Ross Brougham (Mildrheimr of Skjern) 11:56:49 am Mildrheimr of Skjern
Ross Brougham (Mildrheimr of Skjern) MajedSaleh12 11:51:17 am Mildrheimr of Skjern
WhosYour Daddy MajedSaleh12 11:49:41 am Mildrheimr of Skjern

MajedSaleh12 Cohanna (.:S.P.Q.R. Middle Rhine:.) 1:12:21 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
MajedSaleh12 Cohanna (.:S.P.Q.R. Middle Rhine:.) 1:11:43 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
Pancake Puddles (Mildrheimr of Skjern) MajedSaleh12 1:08:52 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
Selene Treves MajedSaleh12 12:40:30 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
Sholee Rajal MajedSaleh12 12:39:20 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
Pancake Puddles (Mildrheimr of Skjern) MajedSaleh12 12:29:51 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern
Pancake Puddles (Mildrheimr of Skjern) MajedSaleh12 12:28:30 pm Mildrheimr of Skjern